Sue's Blog

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

The Story of George Murphy - much more than gas prices!

Everybody knows George - he is the wonderful person that keeps us regularly up to date on home heating fuel and gas prices. This he does for his fellow citizens - at no charge - and is ultimately more valuable than our paid consumer representative.

George has also over the years plunked himself in the middle of other important issues concerning Newfoundland and Labrador - again at no charge. George cares about other people - no doubt about it. He cares so much the Liberals (in their usual way) used his services - at no charge.

George is a tested and true Newfoundlander and Labradorian - he deserves all the accolades he gets for the "public service" he provides. You see that really is public service and not self service. The Liberals need to gut the house and return the party back to the people. There are many George's out there - good people - who have proven their worth and love for this province.

Now George recently ran in a by-election and placed a respectable second - but George deserved to win. If it was based on public profile and service - and not on Danny's leftover team  - Brazil probably would have placed second. The Liberals continued to receive the same message - clean house - rid yourselves of the regurgitated, recycled, faceless, inner sanctum dwellers - who are just waiting for their turn again.

The Libs - sitting in wait - honestly- sitting waiting sitting waiting - for the Tories to fail. That is the lump sum ambition of what is left over there. Meanwhile more and more philosophically inclined Libs sit and wait for the Party to clean itself up. It is looking disheveled, worn, weary, and most of all lazy. They feel they are entitled to government.

The Liberals recycling of past politicos and "party-executive" program - if adopted by the provinces multi materials stewardship board - would put to shame the best efforts of green advocates.

Who does this party belong to anyway? Maybe they will tell us. The latest tour of the Province in an effort to "consult" with people is really a public relations exercise - have they listened before?

George is a good fellow - and he is now with the NDP - hope he is being respected. Because I believe in democracy - I can never say - the NDP will not win - but there has not been enough effort into building and attracting - rather just repeating the social messages of Tommy Douglas. Douglas was extraordinary - and as one voice he brought many together and thereby pushed progressive policies through.

Ultimately I suppose the story of George demonstrates the public is not requiring the best - but whatever the partisan chef serves up. In this case it was a PC. Now because I love Bell Island so much - this causes me more grief. Bell Island has always had real promise and has always been let down. Listening to Mayor Gary Gosine speak passionately of his Tickle home is as hard as listening to Gus on the fishery. Why? Because they deserve to be listened to but they are drowned out by partisan mules delivering the message of those addicted to power but allergic to service.

It's too easy for us townies to say "resettle" - to whatever community might be in difficulty. It is too easy for Islanders to say "Labrador has to understand they have little population and have to share their wealth of natural resources". That's just us being lazy and that laziness makes it easy to be partisan. All you have to do is join the chant. That's how a boy from the interior of the island - who has seen more spruce bud-worms than cod can Randy on about there is not enough fish and rural Newfoundland and Labrador just has to suck it up.

Women and men of this province - we have to step to the plate - take our precious democracy seriously - do not seek a messiah - but rather proven Newfoundlanders and Labradorians who just feel it in the gut when our province and her people hurt. We have to take a turn at bat - so that a Brad Cabana cannot be the top news story over the real issues facing us. We have to get to first base and demand our media to - bring us the real goods. How will we know when we are on our way home? When people like George Murphy are not used by the likes of what's left of the Liberal club - when we elect people based on real positions and demonstrated commitment - not somebody who calls Randy, Bill, or Paddy and says I am a first time caller and I'm running for the Williams team. How about when we take stewardship to mean something more than a word on a sign and when we say as parents - it is not good enough to put a roof over their heads and food in their bellies - rather protect our children for all your worth from the partisan power brokers and the bobble heads who follow them.

If you do not protect the next generation - your children from this - most of these politicos won't. They make sure their children have a prosperous future another way - and that hurts us all.

Hats off George and I hope you don't mind that I "used" you for this blog post. I did so with all good intentions.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The sound that you can't hear is my applauding the stand that you are taking .

I can't think when I have felt more pride in a fellow human being .

Sue Kelland-Dyer you are back and I for one have a new sense of hope .

People like George Murphy rarely have an easy ride ,but ,when George finally reaches his stride ,just maybe the people of our province will be ready to appreciate the good he has to offer .

Let's hope that someone of George's calibre , doesn't tire of the "system" first .