Sue's Blog

Friday, August 03, 2007

Quebec is really suffering it out...

An ignorant blogger decided to find some argument for the export of the best energy in the world hydro-power. This ignorant person found some critic to suggest that selling power to industry does little more than provide jobs.

Now there's a thought. This individual felt that Danny's government along with all Newfoundland and Labrador governments before have and is making the right decision to export hydro-power.

I know why the individual makes such idiotic statements nevertheless more ridiculous concepts have stuck here before - SPRUNG.

So we are to believe that the export of power from the Upper Churchill has been much better for us than using it for industry in Labrador? Yes the tens of thousands of jobs and billions of profit for Quebec from the Upper Churchill has been a real treat for us. This has been a real bonanza. It is only because we use some hydro-power that we even have paper mills or IOC. This imbecile would like to see all potentials shipped out.

Then there is the theory that we could make more money by shipping it out. Sure we can - yeah right - we've done well with that also. Make more money? 5000 MW's at less than 1/2 a cent power? Sure we are doing great - had we offered that to industry there would be 10 thousand more jobs in this province. See you got to have people to exist. You ship out power you ship out jobs.

The profits of Hydro-Quebec at about 3 billion dollars a year - almost a third of which are from our power.

All this was happening at a time when oil ran between 5 and 15 dollars a barrel - what is it today? All this was happening at a time when the environment was not as important as health as a global public issue.

Then there are all the other resources (mineral) we have and the tremendous potential of Labrador as an industrial powerhouse.

These fools who continue to promote export of power are no friends of Newfoundland and Labrador survival - in fact they continue to encourage its demise - and continue to promote dependence on Ottawa. That includes our Premier if the Lower Churchill Power is exported.

As for this theory that selling price competitive power has not encouraged other potentials in processing and manufacturing - that is an ignorant person who has not bothered to read the history of Hydro-Quebec. They are the powerhouse of the planet and their policies and planning are watched everyday by industry everywhere. They are at the head table in international forums - they have been involved in projects on every continent - they have advanced post-secondary education involvement - they have superior R&D capabilities with industry partnerships - including automobiles for the future.

Their expertise is desired in most countries and their professionals reside all around the world. It is the pride and heritage of Quebec - versus what we suffer from the Upper Churchill - that is failed policy - giveaway of our resource - outmigration - shrinking industry - and forced to sit back and watch Quebec hold up the Upper Churchill project as their success.

If Sue's Blog readers get the chance have a look at Hydro-Quebec's website and spend some time reading their energy plans - and the legacy they leave the children of that province. Any attempt to call Hydro-Quebec policy flawed is a desperate individual looking for a some argument which is not there.


Anonymous said...

I have not read the article of which you speak, but if anybody suggested that we export clean Hydro-electric Power out of this province to maintain and create jobs elsewhere, well then I would have to make the assumption that the blogger must be getting paid from some place which is coveting that clean power to keep its jurisdiction running with energy. In other words the particular blogger is a lobbyist on behalf of the thirsting customer coveting the potential power that lies latent at the moment waiting to spring to life. I say let those wonderful rivers that we possess run to the sea forever before we allow such an atrocity to occur. It is a atrocity in my mind when we develop our resources to keep other places alive and then have to take the wrath of Canadians for being too lazy or too stupid to get out of our own ways. How in the hell are we ever going to amount to anything here with regards to creating industry, when we give everything away for others to survive? Premier Williams are you listening? And PLEASE Primeir do not allow us to be tainted with the Stupid name any longer. We the ordinary voter cannot do anything about the allotment of our resources, but we can put the pressure on our politicians that our resources be developed for the correct reason and that is to create industry in Labrador and Newfoundland. The Adjacany Rule should apply.

Anonymous said...

It is quite obvious that the reason for Newfoundland and Labrador being as poor as it is, with the lack of industry, is because our resources were developed for other places. Who aided and abetted that to happen you might ask? Industry Lobbyists and our own politicians, politicians who doubled as lobbyists were the only reason that it happened. And they no doubt were the rewarded for doing so. I do hope that the group of politicians that we have in our midst running the show here at the moment are not going to try to get off with the same type of caper. Where are the voices of the ordinary Newfoundland and Labrador people? I hear yours Sue, but where are the rest?

There are a couple of Lobbyists who are quite vociferous, who appear on VOCM Open Line Shows wanting to ship out resources and it appears to me, at least, one of the moderators seems to go along with those creeps. Sue, you know who they are because they are always calling on behalf of the Oil Industry, saying to the people and the government, ship out the oil, let them have it, please do not ask for equity. Soon you will hear their voices on the Lower Churchill Hydro-electricity Energy Project when it becomes more clearer that it is looking like it is going to go forward. One lobbyist has already made the plea according to your blog. The people of which I speak, no doubt, will want to see the Lower Churchill Hydroelectricity Energy developed to maintain present industry and create further industry for Central Canada's benefit, these people are paid LOBBYISTS and they would sell their MOTHER to make a dollar. They have NO COMPUNCTION at all for their fellow citizens who are suffering with the lack of economies here in Newfoundland and Labrador. In Newfoundland and Labrador Society they are the lowest form of life, they should be banished into EXILE!

The Lower Churchill Hydro-electricity Energy Project must be developed for Labrador. When Labrador prospers so will the whole province of Newfoundland and Labrador.