Sue's Blog

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lift the Galway Shawl

As taxpayers and owners of vast crown land resources - we should be assured that the land sale to Danny Williams was indeed the best use of that particular asset.

We need to review the purchase process, price, and subsequent series of approvals for the publicized development.

We must determine what the value of the land would have been if the government - through its Crown Agency - had sought zoning changes for the land - prior to sale.

Further we should determine if the government - through its Crown Agency - should have subdivided the vast amount of land in order to attract more bidders.

The other issues regarding this development include;

1. Are there other existing business operations in the land area that may be negatively impacted by the development.

2. Are their agricultural interests that are or will be impacted by this development?

3. What are the water supply plans for this development?

4. What other business interests utilize  the watershed area of Thomas Pond?

5. Are there any mineral exploration activities in the area?

6. Are there forestry interests being impeded by the development?

This project has not received enough media or public scrutiny - and when a politician is involved with the acquisition of the land - it is exponentially needed.

It is absolutely critical that natural resource deals provide the best return for the owners of that resource - the people of the province.

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