Sue's Blog

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dunderdale says of critics on Muskrat Falls Deal "working hard to find the few flaws"

Premier Dunderdale is a political fraud. Very simple - as she opens her mouth and inserts two feet in.

The Premier says we - the critics of the Muskrat Falls deal - are "working to find the few flaws". This while addressing the Oil Conference happening in St. John's today.

Dunderdale is ignorant and that is extremely dangerous for Newfoundland and Labrador.

Inheriting the title Premier - gives her a right to diminish the FREE public service many of us have been involved in for over two decades.

While trying to insult and degrade the people she serves and who pay her salary - she ironically provides a compliment.

The Premier must be in pretty bad shape when she resorts to "insulting" rather that "debating" to silence her critics.

Dunderdale should learn this lesson. As Premier she should encourage, welcome, and thank those citizens that are "working" to find flaws in the Muskrat Falls deal. That means we give a damn about our place and give a damn about future generations.

Kathy Dunderdale as Premier - the most powerful position in the Province stands and speaks to corporate executives - some of which are the most powerful people in business and takes potshots at people who are not present for the address and receives applause from those wanting to rid the people of their resources for maximum gain.

A corporation can be forgiven for the cheap and cowardice behavior - they represent their shareholders and have a fiduciary duty to make them money. They in no way are responsible for the betterment of our people and our communities. That's your job Premier - and you'll have a hard time of it if you continue to attack your own people in favour of large offshore corporations, other provinces, and Stephen Harper.

Dunderdale is setting a very poor example for your children and mine. By using an imbalance of power to assert her position - the Premier is actually a bully.

Sadly the Premier is actually targeting the people she has sworn to represent.

Without her power - she might actually have to appear in front of ordinary Newfoundlanders and Labradorians like you and me. Then she might actually have to debate with the owners of the resources - she is so flippantly giving away. On equal terms our Premier would be lost - and I assure you the applause she is receiving from the corporate elite might be replaced with disdain and disgust from the people who elected her party to govern.

If stripped of her position tomorrow - would she so freely attack others behind their backs? If stripped of her power tomorrow - would she so freely try to rid others of their gainful employment? If stripped of her power tomorrow - who would she be? Dunderdale might just find out in October. As for those Cabinet Ministers and backbenchers who are silenced either by ignorance or hopes of personal gain (cabinet post) - you should really sit back and reflect. Is this really worth it? What will your grandchildren think?

As for finding flaws - let's hope we do - those few flaws in the Upper Churchill have certainly been costly.

Ask Nova Scotia Premier Darrell Dexter if you have permission to talk to your people.

1 comment:

Dr. Krista Li said...

That Kathy Dunderdale resorts to such deplorable behavior should really come as no surprise given the tone and tenor of Newfoundland politics since the Williams era. Intimidation, bullying, and 'potshots', as you call them, are the modus operandi for the Conservative Party of the province. It is up to crusaders like you, Sue, to expose this sham of a deal for what it is. No matter how much lipstick Dunderdale puts on this pig of a deal it still is a pig at the end of the day. She ought to applaud those who give so freely of their own time to provide a balance to those who go forth with their blinders on and their lips puckered for the nearest Ottawa arse to kiss - a la Dunderdale. It is shameful that the Premier, when out of intellectual fuel, resorts to mud-slinging. She hardly deserves the title.