Sue's Blog

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Gerry Reid will PRIVATIZE NLH

I can state this because Reid is opposing the people of this province investing in oil and gas projects offshore.

I am left to wonder if Reid's "war room" actually even considered that this thinking could be applied to all our resources.

Think about this for a minute - first Reid says Newfoundland and Labrador already owns the oil and gas. In fact we do not - Canada owns it - and we receive royalties based on Canada's recognition that we are the province adjacent to the resource. If we want to own it - we must separate from the federation.

Then Reid says - Danny should not risk the peoples money by taking an equity position - in fact he says if we elect the Tories and let Danny buy equity - he will bankrupt the province.

On that basis - the debt outstanding by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro would also be seen as a risk and have to be eliminated. Reid's thinking would have our Crown Corp sold off to outside investors (Ontario Pension Fund) or perhaps Fortis - and we will take royalties instead of the profits. Taking that further - he would develop the Lower Churchill by giving that development to outside investors and ask for a few royalties in something we actually own. Under Reid's New Liberalism we - of course - could not risk investing our money in such a project.

Williams has many weaknesses in policy - especially in areas such as the fishery - pulp and paper - agriculture - and rural development - and in these areas he does not enjoy broad-based support. Reid chooses to take on the equity position - which does have broad-based support of a people who are sick of giving away our wealth for a few coppers and jobs.

Reid has gone from left of center - to Harper's best economic policy bud. And all of this because the Libs have resurrected policy experts like Rex Gibbons. The Liberal leader has not yet learned that this direction is a political failure. If the party does not wake up and understand that people of this province want more from our valuable resources - Williams will have an unending term of office. This is not what we need and the fishery and rural Newfoundland and Labrador will suffer. But if we elect Reid - everything is gone.


Anonymous said...

Good commentary Sue. Tell it like it is.

Listen, I understand what you are saying about more attention being needed in the fishery, rural development and so on but Reid is just going nuts with this stuff.

You can't just throw money at the problem. There needs to be solid planning and development, diversification, or whatever. Reid just want's to keep pouring money into a fisheries that's controlled by the fed and where there are too many fish plants to process the fish that's left. How does that make sense.

Has anyone noticed that you can walk down the street in St. John's and there are signs everywhere looking for employees? Companies are going crazy trying to find people to work. The new developments, if they move forward, Churchill, oil refinery, ships at Marystown, Hebron, etc. will all require even more workers. They will also bring an increase in need for workers in construction for new homes, restaraunts, bars, taxis, you name it.

Meanwhile the unemployment rate in the rural areas is staggering.

Outmigration or migration to larger cities is not something that's only happening here in Newfoundland and Labrador Sue, it's happening everywhere around the world.

I came from a small town and had to move to the mainland for years to work. I eventually came back to NL and found a job in St. John's, not in my home town.

I can appreciate that people want to stay where they are, I did, but when companies are desperate for employees a few hundred miles from where you are, and in the same province, should the people who are working and paying the majority of taxes have their hard earned money poured into keeping people in places where there is no work?

think about it. There is a shortage of available workers in one part of the province and high unemployment in another. Does it make sense to spend millions to keep people where they are and away from already existing jobs?

Anonymous said...

"Canada owns it - and we receive royalties based on Canada's recognition that we are the province adjacent to the resource"

Hmmm, guess Canada can't be all that bad after all. They sure got 'the Province' beat when it comes to having some respect with regard to Labradorians being 'adjacent to the resource"
Latest example: Energy Plan

"If we want to own it - we must separate from the federation."

If we (Labradorians) want a fair share of OUR (Labrador)resources, would this be a fair consideration as well?

I am reminded though, that the 200 mile limit was brought about by Canada many years after confederation, no doubt that is why they 'own' it?


Sue Kelland-Dyer said...

Lloyd - yes fair considerations all. I agree with all the Labradorian stuff - but on the 200 mile economic zone that all countries have - if we were our own country - Newfoundland and Labrador would own it.