Sue's Blog

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

It's the Sophisticated Voter - that makes the Difference

When it comes to planning for the future - the people of Quebec are "all over it".
They know that "green" is the way for tomorrow and once again they have made the intelligent choices.

The Premier muses about gas generation for the Island - remember FOGO (Friends of Gas Onshore) mouthpiece - Andy Wells - Danny's new found best friend - well this gas generation is price volatile like oil - is non-renewable - and not owned by the province and is not "green".

A couple of years back Quebecers had a project on the table - which they rejected for wind and hydro choices instead. It is already paying off - as Quebec is seen nationally and globally as leading the way for Canada.

Hydro-Quebec's 2004 proposal for a Suroit gas-fired power plant at Beauharnois - Ribaux estimates it would have increased the province's emissions by three per cent - was a turning point in Quebecers' concerns about the environment. Protests over greenhouse gases led the province later that year to scrap the plan, and Hydro-Quebec has since turned to wind power. "I think the reason was because groups like Equiterre were pushing citizens," Ribaux says.

Now, Quebec has adopted what he describes as "the most progressive plan in North America to reduce emissions," a sign that the provincial government is feeling the pressure from the electorate

The quote above found in a story in the Montreal Gazette.

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