Friday, January 26, 2007

For the Provincial Liberal continuing to partake ...

of Sue's Blog archives...
here's the link - that way you don't have to google it everytime.


Search Words for Google
"loyola Sullivan" "custodial management"


Sue Kelland-Dyer said...

...for the individual that just left a comment - as soon as I know who you are I will answer your question.

Anonymous said...

Do you only answer questions from people you know?

Sue Kelland-Dyer said...

Think about your question - not only those I know - in fact I answer many anonymous emails and posts. I also know the difference in a genuine question and one designed for other reasons. I will not waste more of my time with an individual that asks personal questions without identifying themselves.
I can assure you one thing the question you ask you don't want the documentation on.
Unfortunately it will come anyway.
You asked me a question - I asked you who you were? Where do you work? Who do you know? Who do you talk to? You should really have no problem providing that to me.
Until I get my answer - don't bother reading or writing to the blog.

Anonymous said...

If you answer anonymous questions from some people but not others, why do you need all that information in the first place?

What the heck did the person ask you that you want all that info before you'll even hint at what the question was?

Just trying to follow that exchange is confusing between the two of you.

Then the last part is really weird. How would keep that "anonymous" from reading your blog in the first place?

Sue Kelland-Dyer said...

I do not answer personal questions from people I do not know. As for preventing somebody from reading the blog - I can't. But why bother when what you are after is personal information?
Would you give it?

Anonymous said...

If it was personal I can see what you mean.

But if that's the case then why did you say this: "I can assure you one thing the question you ask you don't want the documentation on.
Unfortunately it will come anyway."

if the information is going to come anyway, how is it personal and you wouldn't just answer the questions?

It's all pretty hard to follow all these mysterious comments to mysterious people and then your comments back. Just as well to stop making comments at all.

Sue Kelland-Dyer said...

You may be right - it's tough being a volunteer - why answer anything?

Leave the answers to the paid politicians...

I won't however stop the dialogue - in case that's exactly what the politicians want.

You think?

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