Sue's Blog

Monday, October 24, 2016

Muskrat Falls - what about children of the Island?

The people of Labrador have begun a long overdue process of protecting their people from poison. This should have been done many years ago but it is happening now and that's what is important.

The movement has significant support from many people and organizations.

I stand with them in this fight against Nalcor and government and believe what they are doing is right.

Here's the problem - this is just the tip of the iceberg - and our children on the Island portion of the province are not being protected and also safe to suggest that clearing the land before flooding will not protect the people of Labrador against the real safety concern of the North Spur.

As for the children of Newfoundland - the risks are enormous - and in fact may mean their future will never be in this province.

The Muskrat Falls debacle is not affordable and we the people are not getting what we need right now and that is the costs to stop the project.

Stan Marshall the new head of Nalcor has been a disappointment - he is a permitted to be in conflict enabler for the corporations driving Muskrat Falls. This is not acceptable - and the spectacle of the Fortis entry into public offering is an embarrassment. Not that the company has gone public - although there are issues there - but rather our Minister running off to witness it.

Our children are being threatened on the Island as the children are in Labrador.

The children of the Island have to pay for this unsafe and over budget monster regardless of what the government does with other assets.

The idea to save consumers from Muskrat by developing Gull Island to pay for it - means there will be another 4 generations losing significant and essential resource revenue needed for the future.

So while Labradorians are attempting to protect their people from poison - we on the Island are turning a blind eye to what this project is going to do to our children. You will note that the public position of the Labradorians is that they are not opposing the project but protesting the flooding operations. Although I know there are many Labradorians who oppose the project outright - this fight is about flooding vegetation.

This project must be stopped and the people of Newfoundland and Labrador need to be given all information regarding the cost and benefits from stopping the project. Then we need a referendum.

What are you going to do about protecting your children? What are you willing to do to protect their future?

Of course all of this is in the backdrop of our enormous financial problems.

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