Sue's Blog

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Premier Coleman? I think not!

We have many "successful" people in our province. Most are not in business - however there are some in our business community who have a well-rounded "success" portfolio.

Frank Coleman appears to have achieved financial, family, and social success - if one were to read articles about him or if one knew him personally.

For me - that's not the question. The question is what would the person do if he/she became Premier.

As a board member of Emera Newfoundland and Labrador Holdings Inc. - I trust Mr. Francis Colemen is well aware of and compliant with the fiduciary duties he has.

Emera NL has a mission: our team is helping channel the energy potential of Newfoundland & Labrador, to provide clean, renewable and reliable electricity for Nova Scotia and beyond.

There is nothing in the statement above that makes me believe the bests interests of our province is the objective. If Mr. Coleman wants to channel our most lucrative resource outside Labrador - he should run for the Premiership of Nova Scotia or beyond.

In my opinion his candidacy would be nothing more than a continuation of an agenda that is not the best for Newfoundland and Labrador - rather a agenda to make the wealthy wealthier.


Anonymous said...

another danny puppet.go away danny pleeeeease!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Coleman would not make the wealthy wealthier. He would help the poor because he is a good man.