Sue's Blog

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

More than Felix's political life at risk!

Felix Collins needs to take some real responsibility for Route 90. From Riverhead on through St. Vincent's the main road is vicious. That is not an exaggeration and frankly probably not strong enough.

Ambulances, school buses, delivery vehicles, commercial traffic and residents are risking their lives driving this Route.

These are not pot-holes they are death traps and those who have to regularly drive this route are taking a real risk each and every time.

What's worse is the deterioration is now at a daily level so that familiarity of the Route does not matter.

Ambulance drivers who serve the many communities Riverhead, St. Mary's, Gaskiers - Point La Haye, Mall Bay, St. Vincent's and Peter's River - are taking on much more risk than should ever be necessary while trying to save lives.

Felix Collins must be locked in the Cabinet as clearly he is ignoring the infrastructure disaster in his district. He must be a Cabinet knob as he certainly does not appear to have the power to get things done.

I invite the all local media to pop out to Route 90 - only an hour out of the capital city and judge for yourselves. This is well worth the drive - but don't let the tremendous scenic beauty take your eyes of the road - I mean the actually metre by metre in front of you.

While the plentiful moose are still active - there is no way to watch for them without being killed by the road.

So Felix - is this what Tory prosperity looks like? Is this what the oil money has brought?

You have 20 kilometres in your Cabinet endowed district that needs a road.

Knock knock - who's there - Felix - Felix who? Felix the cat locked in the Cabinet. The residents don't need a meow - they need a roar - and they need it now.

The story in the Telegram should be a real wake-up call for the Minister - and good on Barb Sweet for reporting on the situation. This blog is just an exclamation point for Minister Collins before somebody dies. Driving the road to review the state of your kingdom will not cut it.Where do you live?

Here's a sample:

This is when it's frozen - imagine when it thaws - every week or so

1 comment:

Todd Squires said...

Felix has disappointed many throughout the district with his inability to deliver what his constituents require. As businesses suffer and close - the state of the roads will only drive more away. Todd Squires St. Mary's