Sue's Blog

Friday, January 31, 2014

What do Bill, Darin, Keith, Derrick have that Kathy does not?

So Bill 29 is getting inspected  - but why unelected Premier Marshall?

Was elected Premier Kathy Dunderdale so vicious that you and your colleagues could not stop her?

Thousands of people yelling and screaming protest on Bill 29 - and you unelected Premier Marshall and your colleagues just ignored that? But why?

It took the loss of the first woman elected Premier of our province and who had a majority government for you and the other fellas to say - maybe we should review this.

On the strength of that - why after we were on rolling blackouts for obvious reasons of incompetence - did you not fire Ed Martin?

On that note - if you are going to "review" Bill 29 - why not "review" the Muskrat Falls deal?

Every identifiable Tory willing to speculate has been hauled out as a potential candidate for your upcoming (whenever) leadership contest. The only one left is Brian Peckford - can you manage to politically resurrect him - in your spin to demonstrate real interest in taking over the 20% party?

Is Dunderdale's seat being held for a new Townie leader and yours unelected Premier Marshall for Bill Barry?

The same old twitter backbench rats continue to attack and mock citizens. They continue on the same old path.

Then there is this - the people and the media are to blame for the loss of our Premier Dunderdale. "She was not understood" "people did not know her like we did". Sure - your the ones who booted her out. "She was not a good communicator" - yet you now are reviewing Bill 29 - not trying to re communicate the virtues of the Bill.

I've been around politics long enough to know that the PC's are in real trouble and are in panic mode. Even PC's - Bill Barry - thinks a revolution is needed - for him to even support you. So the one and only leadership candidate basically thinks the party needs to be blown up (figuratively speaking) in order for it to survive.

Tell me what do Darin King, Steve Kent, Derrick Dalley, or Keith Hutchings think they have that Kathy does not? Oh no never mind - the glass ceiling thing again.

One final question - if Bill 29 is changed - will the changes be retroactive?

As the unelected Premier overseeing the internal election of another unelected Premier - please remember you should not proceed with any major deals or developments. Time to go to the electorate - not PC's in a panic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sue there is one person I don't want to see running for Premier and winning, AND that is Bill. For my liking he already has too much control over our "Heritage Resource" fish and putting the fox in the henhouse could be the biggest mistake we could ever make.

I heard him being interviewed a couple of days ago and the journalist doing the interview put the question to him of how could he refrain from being bias towards himself with the fish resource, if he became Premier? His answer was if I become Premier I will pass my business over to my son. I don't trust the fishery with that answer and I am sure the rest of the electorate doesn't, as well.

We have already seen our fishery dismembered and dismantled over the past 8 years of PC governance, from our Flagship Company, Fishery Products International for a few to profit and the Minimum Processing Requirements (MPRs) being done away with in order for the CETA Agreement to be signed off on for Ottawa's and Canada's benefit in general.

Four or five of the Fishery Magnates of Newfoundland and Labrador and some of the politicians who were involved and ex-politicians, plus the province of Nova Scotia and the European Union became the beneficiaries of the dismemberments and dismantling of the renewable fish resource of Newfoundland and Labrador. The Fish Resource could have given the province of Newfoundland and Labrador a vibrant economy forever if it had been handled properly. Shame on all of you who had a hand in this devious form of governance.