Sue's Blog

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Personal reality Cheque for Bowers - Where's Penney?

Personal cheques are documents used to access funds from an individual's checking account.
Seems pretty straight forward right?
Well not really if you listen to Reginald Bowers - the campaign manager and official agent for Peter Penashue in the last federal election.
You see Mr. Bowers when asked by CBC about Corporate Contributions to a federal campaign and reminding him that such contributions are illegal - responded by saying they were personal - corporate cheques. 
After his alleged illegal activity and the successful election of his candidate Mr. Penashue - Bowers received an appointment to the CNLOPB. 

Now Bowers claims he unintentionally accepted these "personal"/"corporate" cheques cause you know right?

According to their site the CNLOPB believes it does this: 
"Pursuant to the legislation, the C-NLOPB has four regulatory mandates: Safety, Environmental Protection, Resource Management and Industrial Benefits. The Board regulates exploration licences, significant discovery licences, and production licenses covering an area of 7,365,000 hectares; that is an area of about two-thirds of the size of the island portion of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador."
Now what do you think the chances are that Mr. Bowers could unintentionally have fooled up something there?
His apparent complete disregard for or claimed inability to understand legislation relative to Elections Canada - possibly the most important laws to protect our democracy - should set off alarm bells.

“(Bowers) is an economic development officer with extensive experience in regional economic development. His business experience and educational background have allowed him the opportunity to be heavily involved in consultation processes and gain in-depth knowledge of many government programs and policies. He is active in the community, having participated in numerous local groups and serving on local boards. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the Memorial University of Newfoundland.”
Okay so if he holds a Commerce Degree from MU and he does not understand the difference in Personal and Corporate Cheques - then the University has some serious review to do. In the alternate Mr. Bowers is a liar. 
On the basis of this information should all work of Mr. Bowers be reviewed where any government monies, employment, or programs were involved?
And what of the Pennecon connection? Put a mic in front of Ches Penney and ask him if ignorance is an excuse for breaking the law. Ask him why the company violated the Elections Canada Act.

It is time for all Canadians to take a personal reality check and determine if we want to continue to allow our democracy to be destroyed - same is true and doubled in Newfoundland and Labrador.

1 comment:

Brian Carey Photography said...

Penashue and Bowers give dirty politicians a bad name! Their conduct is disgraceful!