Sue's Blog

Friday, June 29, 2012

RIM - Time for Stock Innovation

Okay - I do like my Blackberry and PlayBook. I like the fact that this is a Canadian Company.

You have fallen on hard times - time for some more innovation.

How about you offer shares with the sale of your products.

Buy a Playbook for $200 get 20 shares. Let us in - let average Canadians in on the action.

People buying your products now are afraid - it's risky - are you going to be there in a month.

For the risk - offer shares.

Market your innovation, your history, and your maple leaf.

Surely the shareholders that remain would go for something that has a real chance of recovering value.

You want a chance to show your stuff again - you need time - you need shareholders.

Come on Research in Motion - get mobile - and share a Cinderella story with fellow Canadians. Go from Province to Province and meet with people. Do the BBQ circuit. Time for the Nerds to let loose and seek support from those of us who use your technology and support it.

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