Sue's Blog

Monday, February 06, 2012

What's the One Thing Missing from Muskrat Discussion?

From the day Kathy Dunderdale inherited the Premiership what has been missing in the Muskrat discussion?

Scientific Polls - At least those that have been released publicly.

This government is poll crazy - I believe they have been conducting polls; so where are they?


Barbara Colbourne said...

That's a really good question Sue. In every other government investigation or project they have to have their experts analyse all the facts. Have to gather the scientific data.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that the orchestrators of the MUSKRAT FALLS PROJECT have the province of Newfoundland and Labrador so indebted with the start-up of this project, some say upwards of $1 Billion Dollars, that they don't really know how to extract themselves or the electorate from it? I am sure it is as frightening for the orchestrators as it is for us the taxpayers of Newfoundland and Labrador.

I doubt very much, when they
orchestrated this project,they had any inkling of how in tune Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are with the way their natural resources and they themselves were exploited over the past 62 years.

I am so elated that our people are so aware of the Crony Capitalism that we have been subjected to all those years that we have been a province of Canada. Now if only the rest of Canada were so aware.