Sue's Blog

Monday, January 23, 2012

Minister Jerome waxes Poetic - Meandering Morose Muskrat

Minister Kennedy - I would like my say on Muskrat Falls. 

Alive the river flows;
the Labrador pulse, Peninsula blood,
Men and woman robeless jurists
adjudicate the waters and their worth.

The jaw wounded with an Upper cut
carved by metal beasts of burden;
turn only to eye the fist of greed seeking a Lower blow.
Will it turn, duck or prepare to absorb?

Questions hit off the Torngats and echo only
to a listening ear;
whilst pale urchins grow weary.
A man with the sacred name holds the pow'r.

A cache, beckoning like a chameleon;
dancing with costumes as needed.
This nam-shub hopes to halt the auto-da-fe,
of the aquatic source of fertility.

So poetry instead of law said he of little faith,
bemoaned incessant the path he travelled.
Whilst all that was evident in the dossier of constituents,
lay deliberately beyond his reach.


iceman2 said...

Keep your day job! this provincial government won't sponser you or use it in their many many many(enough to buy favors?) many ads

Cyril Rogers said...

Sue, in all the commentary about the economics of this project, we often forget that the beauty of this river will be lost forever should it proceed. As well, this so-called "green" project will poison fish, produce methane gases from rotting trees under the water, and possibly impact on the health of people downstream.

It behooves us, as keepers of the planet, to begin to think about other cleaner ways to produce energy. Wind power, anyone?