The Telegram has a very revealing story today about Dunderdale's position on the Marine Rescue Sub-Centre.
Below is a couple of paragraphs from the Telegram article.
Dunderdale mused about the possibility of assuming responsibility for the service, even though she lamented "downloading" it onto the province.
She noted that on fishery enforcement, research and other issues the province has already assumed duties that were traditionally federal responsibilities.
"We have to take on more and more of what are really federal responsibilities, you're right it's downloading and it puts more pressure on our system," she said. "I wish that we didn't have to do it, but you've got to weigh it off, in how important is it to the people of the province?
Now let's examine what the Premier is saying. Her point is the Federal Government is not going to live up to jurisdictional responsibilities so the people of Newfoundland and Labrador will have to pay for it.
The Premier points out that fisheries enforcement and science have now been taken on by the province and if we are to have marine rescue services we will have to pay for that. I hope she is not forgetting the Rails to Roads fiasco where we gave up the train - everybody else continues to enjoy - and we did so without any money for maintaining a new roads system which - because of a massive increase in truck traffic - costs us astronomically more. (ruts) (ruts)
As for the management and ownership of our fishery - which constitutionally we gave up under Confederation - we are now going to pay for the mismanagement, lack of science, lack of enforcement, that has killed entire communities and cost us 40,000 people.
Now we are left with a failed fishery and failing plants - which we will fund or compensate for because the feds won't deal with the fact that their mistakes are now costing us over a billion a year!
What's next Kathy - if the feds downgrade Marine Atlantic again - are we going to take over that?
So our new Premier uses this negotiation tactic:
If you won't pay for it - we will - and we will shut up because we want a loan guarantee for a project that would put us in debt - without proper return potential? We won't get a loan guarantee unless we agree to export our valuable hydro to fuel industry everywhere but Labrador?
So Premier remind me; why are we in Canada?
No flies on her!
She's had not the clue what she is doing as Premier.
*has, oops, but hopefully we will be using the past tense come October 11th.
Right now she is a "Failure", come October she will probably be a "Loser".
Given the way the province of Newfoundland and Labrador is treated in this Centralist country where everything belongs to the Center no matter where it comes from, separation from Canada is the only remedy for the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Our province has a great location and lots of natural resources, the only entity that will suffer from such a move is Canada itself, the province of Newfoundland and Labrador has endured its suffering.
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