Sue's Blog

Monday, April 18, 2011

Rowe says Manning - one of the superb candidates running...What's your take?

I just finished listening to Fabian Manning on back-talk with Bill Rowe.

I got the distinct feeling that Fabs wanted to stay as far away from ABC and Harper's lies as possible. Now how does somebody like Manning avoid the obvious?

He essentially called the people of rural communities - fools. Outside of brushing aside the elephant romping around the campaign office - Fabian decided that he will be concentrating on community needs and projects.

a) wharves
b) breakwaters
c) highways
d) stadiums

Old-time Joey politics - he went as far as to say Ottawa doesn't believe Canada stops in Nova Scotia like "we thought" - Ottawa - says Manning - believes it ends in Quebec.

So Manning concludes - there is no sense going to Ottawa to change attitudes - so he will go up and get what he can for his district.

If you listened carefully - you would hear - that Fabian was talking about ALL Ottawa politicos - including his own Harper. This you see would separate him from the treachery of standing with Harper when that liar removed a 10 billion dollar promise from our table.

Here's the deal Mr. Manning - you were gutless and worse you were a traitor when you stood shoulder to shoulder with Harper while he robbed the future from your children and mine by not allowing us to fully benefit from our non-renewable resource developments.

Do you have any idea how many wharves, bridges, roads, stadiums, schools, and hospitals one could build with 10 billion dollars?

Then there are the other lies! Remember the promise to take custodial control of the Grand Banks and Flemish Cap?

Our fishery decimated by the federal government - when your own people have had to move away to work.

The loss of over 1/2 billion dollars a year from the ground-stocks.

And you Fabian Manning are going to talk about wharves?

You go to Ottawa to represent this province - and our place in Canada. The only thing Harper has said is that his government would give a loan guarantee or a financial equivalent to this province for the Lower Churchill - a promise/lie that all leaders have made. Guess what Fabian? The reason they all gave for giving the guarantee is so that Atlantic Canada can benefit from green reliable energy.

Let's put that in perspective - if Ottawa gives money to Quebec for one thing or another or to Nova Scotia for one thing or another - they do not find it necessary to say - we are doing this so it will benefit Newfoundland and Labrador.

Today on Bill Rowe - you confirmed for me - you are a broken political man. You have given up on changing our place in Canada - and you are starting to feel the disgust your people feel at your gutless and treacherous actions.

Hold off - people of the Avalon - we can get more than extensions to community EI projects - and we need people who will fix the wrongs that have been perpetrated on us.

I told you myself -I have never felt so betrayed as when you stood in the House of Commons and did the unthinkable and unforgiveable. You sold out your Newfoundland and Labrador.

I say to my children - over and over - Let Me Fish Off Cape St. Mary's. Our Pride - Our People - Our Place

Tell me Fabian - was it worth it? That one moment where Stephen Harper paid attention to you - and let you stand next to him in the almighty House of Commons. Was it really worth it?

Fabian ends by saying "the good Lord willing" I will be successful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The sad part about all of this is that Fabian Manning was not the only Federal Politician,who over the past 62 years committed such traitorous acts, they all did. Why did all of Newfoundland and Labrador's natural resource base and its human resource end up creating economies in other provinces and other parts of the World? It was, of course, because the Federal Politicians we elected acted in the same manner as did Fabian, the only difference Fabian got caught in an age when Newfoundlanders and Labradorians became aware of how the Ottawa Parliament worked and they caught him in the acts he committed, simply because a little bit of transparency was alowed to shine through, for whatever the reason.

Just do a little accounting Sue, there was the giveawway of our Heritage Renewable Resource, Fish, our Upper Churchill Hydroelectric Resource, our Minerals and our Oil. This didn't only happen since Fabian was elected Federally, it was happening all along and Fabian was too blind to see that the lack of transparency was coming to an end and Newfoundlanders and Labradorians were not going to accept it any longer. Fabian knew but he went along with his Prime Minister and had us shafted us again. The other politicians of yore felt more comfortable in an age of low grade transparency and they felt Newfoundlanders and Labradorians were going to remain in a daft state for the rest of their lives. They were fooled and any legacy they thought they had acquired is no longer notable, they are ALL now perceived to be crooks.