Sue's Blog

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Whose Job is it? Kathy's? Yvonne's? Lorraine's? Journalists? Talk Show hosts? Academics? Yours or Mine?

Whose job is it anyway? Can the reader agree that if there is a significant resource deal being contemplated by any government - it should be reviewed, critiqued, questioned, and all possible pitfalls be identified and corrected. If we can agree on that basic - the question then becomes whose job it is to do this.

You and I employ thousands of civil servants - pay for dozens of politicians federally and provincially - indirectly and directly pay for hundreds of reporters/journalists, support organizations who pay people to be concerned about things such as the environmental, social, and economic policy, and even support higher places of learning such as the University and Colleges.

Then through patronage of various businesses support advertising for programs such as open-line and back-talk where hosts are paid to perform their jobs.

For all of this - who is doing what with this future make or break deal on the Lower Churchill?

The first and obvious place is the Official Opposition - what are they doing other than sitting back and waiting to see more information before they comment on the deal. What are they waiting for? There are plenty of questions unanswered - the people need the information before it is too late. We need vigorous and continuous debate on every aspect of the deal and there is plenty to start with. The Opposition office has plenty of staff - which was boosted by additional funds. Where is the evidence of their contribution - that you and I as taxpayers fund? They have paid employees whose job it is to research and come up with questions and answers to real issues affecting the lifeblood of this place and her people. Then there is the leader and other MHA's who are supposed to be a government in waiting. If they are not up to the job - that is not good enough - what they do or do not do now affects too many people - it is not about them and the best timing.

Then we have the third sitting party - the NDP. They too have human resources - and they need to be focused on the largest resource deal they are likely to face. Where are the questions from Lorraine? Where is the party position on this proposed Emera deal? Talking about "comfortable" NDP positions does not cut it. If this deal goes through and if I and others are right - will she stand and take responsibility for not doing more?

The media - the reporters, the journalists, and columnists? Where are they on this deal? Why is there a deafening silence? Are they intimidated? Are they out of their league? Are they concerned about not knowing enough to ask even the basic of questions? Why are they treating the Willderdale administration differently than the Grimes administration during the Voisey's Bay deal? Are they waiting for opposition politicians to kick up a fuss? What if that fuss does not come? Do they feel any sense of responsibility to ask the obvious and demand better than deflected answers and being told they will get information when the government and Emera are ready to tell them?

Where are the academics? Where are the real questions and answers from them? Do they feel any responsibility? Are they not equipped to ask real questions on this deal - considering the historic resource deal blunders of our past?

Talk show hosts - lucratively rewarded for their positions - are they bound by the company stand? Are they bound by past patronage? Are they interested and if not why not? They might say they are governed by the callers - but they do a fairly lengthy preamble - does it belong there? Sometimes they go into the minutia of detail on a persons personal plight or moose running the highways but where are they on this?

I guess we can include government MHA's - but it seems so futile to expect - talking heads  repeating speaking notes - whose only concern is to stay elected and stay on the good side of the party. They have shown without question that they do not have the guts to challenge anything - including policies which negatively affect their own people in their own districts.

Bottom line is - if its not your job - it's certainly not mine. Why are you so disinterested that you run the risk of repeating an already unenviable history of blowing what could be the wealthiest place in the nation?

Are we so blind or so lazy that if others won't do what ultimately we pay them to do - we will sit back and let it all go regardless? Do you or I have responsibility to protect the future of our children and grandchildren?

Do not rest easy as the fishery, forestry, minerals, and hydro is robbed from underneath us - it is not theft - it is us giving it away and not giving a damn - other than to moan and groan after it is done.

The first indicator to me was when Harper took 10 billion dollars from us and we were not moved to protest - to do what was necessary to get that money back. What we did was turn to Danny and say, "what should we do Danny?" Danny answers - punish Fabian Manning and don't elect Conservatives. In other words - do nothing - and accept yet again the destruction of our place and our future.

Whose job is it?


Unknown said...

Whose job is it ?

Well let's see .

(1) The media ,we have that stalwart defender of truth and justice for society , declaring that the now sitting government to have already won a general election that has yet to be fought .See today's Western Star .Its sister paper the Telegram has been awarded a contract to supply provincial schools a digital newspaper .No need to step on anyone's toes .

(2) We have an unelected premier filling the shoes of one demigod (in name only), and wearing his "popularity blanket", as though she has won the right to make decisions that can and will impact the futures of generations of NLs . Apparently no worry there .

Ms. Michael ,did she sign on simply to advocate ? Am I correct in saying that her district has some of the more financially challenged voters ,how is she helping them by remaining silent on the very issue of Muskrat Falls ,which has the potential to devastate an already precarious situtation .Apparently her people are remaining loyal . 7% in the polls .

Ms. Jones ,her leadership abilities have been sorely tested by her illness . The Williams' Myth is so deeply entrenched that unfortunately , Yvonne's "fighting the good fight" , could not materalize into a sympathy vote . Now I have a feeling that that has more to do with our people than with Ms Jones .That in itself may have a bearing on how she performs in the future .Valuable time has been lost here .

Talk show hosts . Simms has his own agenda , enough said . Rowe , isn't he the epitome of "persuadability ? Either way ,it doesn't appear that the little man plays much of part , other than to advance their talk show host careers ?

Academics , much too cerebal to mingle with the masses .

Yours and mine . Sue , you can count on your left-hand the number of people ready and willing to put themselves on the line for our people . This is a David and Goliath battle .Now all we need to do is find the right David or Sue !

Anonymous said...

Yesterday CBC reported that consumers in NL will be paying twice as much for muskrat power ($0.14/kwh) as consumers of muskrat power outside our province ($0.07/kwh).
If our House of Assembly were not perma-prorogued in NL maybe some MHAs would have a chance to debate this deal in a proper forum. Seriously, is our HoA ever in session?

Anonymous said...

Good post. There is too much apathy in this province and too much jumping on the bandwagon.

I am curious about your comments about Fabian Manning and Danny Williams. Obviously you think the ABC was a waste of time, what should we have done, or do in the future?