Sue's Blog

Saturday, February 26, 2011

We are Serfs in Danny's Serfdom not Masters in our House

How does it feel to you as a Newfoundland and Labrador citizen? You are most irrelevant to the government and frankly I'm sure we are not much more than stupid irritants - to our masters in the Confederation Building.

Danny Williams could not have asked for more - throngs of adoring fans - enjoying the words out of his mouth. Essentially he told us to hate and fear Quebec, and despise and fear the federal government. On his way out and to secure HIS project - he made up with Stephen and instructed Kathy to do the same. This was for the request of a loan guarantee on the Lower Churchill.

You really want to know how Danny Williams made so much money? Watch this!

The deal with Emera is done - and we the people will be the last to know - the tidying up has begun. They will make some monetary deal with aboriginals to keep them silent - the rest of us will pay. The Liberals who have sat on their arse for almost eight years now have placed them in a position similar to that of the Tories when Joey and gang did the Upper Churchill. They are irrelevant. Best I can tell with the Liberals - those few who own the party are simply waiting for their turn in office. The people are irrelevant to them also - they are not fighting hard for you the people or even to get a decent number of Opposition members. They are for all intents and purposes useless to help the people of this province stop what will be the next big giveaway of resources.

The media is not playing its role in democracy - as it virtually ignores this project. Why do I say this? Do all of you remember the Voisey's Bay issue. It cannot be possible that you have forgotten the months of "you can't do a deal as an unelected Premier" or "you must bring the proposed deal into the House of Assembly for a full debate before the deal is done." Every minute detail had to be exposed and discussed by Danny Williams - on your behalf of course - what a joke. He talked about loopholes the size of tractor trailers being in the proposal - and how everybody in the province should see everything before anything was signed or even close to being signed.

Over and over I hear media talking about the province and government of Nova Scotia being a partner in the deal. How are they partners? Where does the government of Nova Scotia put a red copper into this? The Premier of Nova Scotia talks about Atlantic cooperation and blah blah blah. In short (these guys down there are really suckers) - we can do what Quebec did 50 years ago. He might be right in his private thoughts - if that's what they are.

Now here comes the "banking syndicate to buy and then offer to the "public" 5.5 million shares.
The syndicate, led by CIBC World Markets Inc., Scotia Capital Inc., TD Securities Inc. and RBC Dominion Securities Inc., bought the shares from Emera for $31.70 per share. They were available on the market Friday and the offering will end on March 16th. DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE WE THE PEOPLE MATTER?

Our resources are being bought sold and bartered around us - none of it for our gain - we are but pawns needing to be smiling for our masters as they screw our very lifeblood into poverty. For those of you that think we were bad off before confederation - wait till the oil is gone. To top it all off - we get to keep and enjoy nothing because of the Harper equalization formula - which Danny did not fight - he sacrificed Fabian Manning. Danny said we would be the masters of our own fate - and he was not kidding. If you allow this deal with Emera to go through - we will have done it ourselves without even so much as a whimper. While Danny was in office - and now semi-in office he did virtually fool all the people - because we really want somebody to believe in. Now is not the time Newfoundland and Labrador - he is not the one you should believe in - realize it before it is too late.

The Public Relations plan is brilliant - keep tossing things in the mix - so we the people cannot stop to think about this massive giveaway. They even threw out the fisheries report - which essentially tells us our reason for being is dead. But even here the choreographed monkeys were told to come out and say government does not like this. This accomplishes three things - the first and most important is that it takes our minds off the giveaway of the Lower Churchill,  two it says that the PC's have released it before a provincial election (so they are not hiding anything) and three the message that government however will not accept this economic devastation (which will be the decimated fishery) and we will "fight".

So tell me anybody - because I would like some peace of mind in my life - what is the plan for our beloved piece of geography. Tell me how in 15-20 years this will all work out. Tell me that it will be okay after the oil is gone - we are paying off tremendous debt for energy being shipped out to develop industry for people in other provinces - when we are left without an inshore midshore fishery and the rest of rural Newfoundland and Labrador is extinct - when we are left with no pulp and paper or forestry sector. Who will be paying for healthcare for a population which is aging more than anywhere else in Canada? Who will be caring for the elderly when their families chase our resources elsewhere to find work. We have to go to Quebec to find a job refining our oil. Quebec is full of 5000 MW's from Labrador - flush with industry and population.

I used to wonder why Ray Guy was cynical? No more - I know he must have suffered through the stupidity during the first go-round of giveaways and ridiculous feel good projects under Smallwood. Poor Gus Etchegary is like a man possessed as he tries to stop the raping of our fishery - while open-line hosts virtually dismiss him as a "not Gus again" caller. When as a generation our brain trust is the brilliance of Randy Simms on the future of rural Newfoundland and Labrador - or perhaps the wisdom of Bill Rowe that has extended from the first giveaway of the Upper Churchill - or John (I did not take the god-damned fish out of the water) or the master behind the scenes manipulation of an Ed Roberts, or the highly successful Dr. Doug House who has had virtual non-stop employment by (economically recovering us) preparing the masses for out migration, regionalization, and moving the economy away from natural resources. This is the best of us is it? No they are not - but they will be used to eliminate any real debate on our future. They are puppets on a string - some more so than others.

Then we have the brilliance of our politicians - can't you see the beacons of hope shining right out of them?
We have Fabian Manning in the Senate - a reward for screwing Newfoundland and Labrador - opportunity first presented by Danny Williams. Randy Simms was giving it right to Eddie Joyce the other day for being "yesterdays man" and should he be running again. I had to stop driving because my laughter would impact my ability to focus on the road. Hey Randy - John Ottenheimer might be on the way, maybe Loyola Sullivan or Hearn. Fabian is up in his senate arse cushion praying that one of the lads will run so he won't have to run again and leave that comfortable pillow that is the Senate.

People like Earl McCurdy keeping the masses down in rural Newfoundand and Labrador - while Kathy speaks to business at one function or another like she has to convince them on the Lower Churchill deal. Private companies and publicly traded corporations have a mandate to make money for their owners/shareholders - they have no responsibility for societal well being and getting a return on investment for the people of Newfoundland and Labrador. That is supposed to be Kathy and Shawn's job. The only ones they talk to are business while they outline to them all the money they can make - particularly during construction.

They have to talk to the aboriginal peoples of Labrador because they have bothered to exercise their rights to the resources. They feel absolutely no need to talk to you and me. Kathy will bend over backwards to please the business and corporate elite - while she will shrug off ordinary citizens who own the resources. That is the legacy that Williams left - a virtual dictatorship - and a province where if you criticize there will be public punishment delivered by his minions. We are a fearful not happy people - we have lost most of our pride and Danny I am sure must be proud watching townies tell the baymen to shut up about the fishery. He must be proud that he has shut-up intelligent debate and discourse - and did what no other could and that's render the people nothing more than serfs in their own land. He must be proud of the way he battered media professionals into submission. He must be proud to be called "god" and the best person to have walked the planet. You think a real person - with a real love of this place would revel in this sort of mania? No he would not. Do you think somebody interested in the best outcomes for Newfoundland and Labrador would summarily banish reporters that asked a real question?

Danny Williams failed on equalization, he failed on the fishery, he failed on pulp and paper sector, he failed on unemployment, he failed with the 2 billion we did receive from Martin - as he did not invest it in energy development, he failed on the fibre-optic fiasco, and he failed on healthcare as demonstrated when he took his real heart to the USA. He is determined to not fail on the Emera deal as it really must mean something to him. He's not the Premier anymore right? What an opportune time to make an unexpected and unquestioned exit. The man even stuck himself on a Christmas card alone - his big mug - with the backdrop of lest we forget.

As I am posting this - watching Canada's weather channel - on the bottom there is a little train zooming across the screen with these words "black ice" "one more reason to take the train". I guess John Crosbie did not haul the god-damned tracks up either - but that was a good thing we got to fight over whether we walk or ATV across the deserted transportation route. But that's all good cause look at what we got to replace it. I guess metaphorically and really we are in one big rut.

As the Chronical Herald out of Nova Scotia put it today "EMERA GETTING DUCKS IN ROW FOR POWER DEAL" we are getting lined up likes ducks in a row for roasting. 

I thought I just heard the alarm bell going off - did you hear that?


Unknown said...

I am only one person ,am I partisan , well if really wanting this province to have a really strong opposition government , then I guess that I am guilty .

Am I cynical , you betcha .

The only way that I can present that is by telling my personal stories .

When the Liberal opposition lost their funding , I called Yvonne Jones and offered to start-up a petition to ask our people for help in securing that we had an effective opposition in dealing with the then Williams' government .

Once it was up and running , I was asked to call the open-line shows and basically drum up business .

Now at times Rowe and I have not seen eye to eye and I wasn't too keen on yet another hang-up , and I told a certain someone that . The answer that I got to that was "THIS HAS NOTHING TO TO WITH YOU URSULA" .

No I guess not, I was only putting myself on the line for these people ...

Unknown said...

Will the madness never cease ?

Helping the Voter !!!!!

"CORNER BROOK Candidates in the upcoming municipal byelection in Corner Brook will have two opportunities to address the public on the issues of the city.

Public forums are being planned for March 7,2011 and March 9,2011"~~Western Star~~

The 1st. by the Greater Corner Brook Board of Trade partnering with the Western Star and Rogers TV.

The 2sd. Corner