Sue's Blog

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Social Experiment #2 Danny wants to Lose Labrador?

When Clyde Wells employed Doug House - he knew what he was getting - and he knew what way to utilize his skills. Over a million dollars later I expect we have another Premier doing the same thing.

Here's one theory:

Labrador just might deliver what Danny Williams wants - 0 seats - or if one seat - it must be in an area where he's likely to receive support for his plans for Lower Churchill Power. That is in an area where if all the power is exported - they will make specific direct financial gain for their peoples.

Clyde Wells used Doug House to determine on a regular basis - how a community - mostly in rural areas of the province would react to some government cut-back - amalgamation attempt - loss of a fish plant here or there. He also used him to determine what the fight might be on the privatization of various government entities including Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro. (He got that one wrong) He also used the knowledge of Doug House to determine how people were going to react to "education reform". As a sociologist House is known for "unique" socio-economic concepts (as yet I have not seen one work). He in a way is a social scientist who conducts experiments on communities of people.

This time - in his backroom - as a Deputy Minister of Provincial Development Plan (whatever that is) he might have been determining how people in Labrador would react to the "energy plan". That pamphlet falls well short of a real plan - but it is a document that makes statements to bring predictable results.

Same players though - Tobin hovering somewhere and MacDonald as the Chair of NLH - Doug House and a newbie to the social experiment - Ross Reid - who came back to Newfoundland and Labrador after conducting his and others theories in democratizing countries such as Afghanistan.

Danny Williams will not allow to happen what Grimes did allow. Remember Dean MacDonald's very public resignation from Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro under the Grimes proposal for developing the Lower Churchill? I could accept the public hissy fit if MacDonald himself under the Tobin regime had not supported a proposal which would have seen Quebec own over 33% of the development. No hissy fit then.

Danny Williams and the gang want to do the Lower Churchill project - and the last thing they need is government MHA's or even a Cabinet Minister from Labrador crossing the floor in protest or putting on a display of disgust similar to the MacDonald resignation. My guess is Danny wants to have have the project sanctioned by Island MHA's and Ministers.

You see Danny is not stunned - he must have known that Labradorians upon viewing the "plan" would be up in arms. I believe he knew he was hanging Hickey out to dry - I believe he knew he was giving Yvonne Jones enough to be re-elected and I believe he suspected that Labrador West would give Baker the boot. Hard to know on Pottle - she may be able to sit in Cabinet and deliver to her district millions in royalties/revenues and also deliver an industry with a private power project in Torngat if I was hearing John Hickey right today.

You think Danny and the gang knew that by stating a transmission line would come across to the Island while not servicing Labrador would get the "predictable" outcry? And just before the election? This document - which could have been written in a week took over 2 years - and did exactly what I believe it was supposed to do - annoy Labradorians. I think Danny will be a happy man if Labrador seats are lost and gains are made on the Island.

You see the man gets on the radio and everywhere that he can be heard and takes cracks at popular Labradorians like Stanley Oliver - who before he is a Liberal - is a Labradorian. He knows he is giving a proud Metis - Chris Montague what he needs to turn the tide. I have to trust he is intelligent and as such knows that he is really bugging Labradorians - even by quasi-suggesting that Pottle might make it to Cabinet.(something he is not doing on the Island) Everywhere else the man is appeasing voters - but not in Labrador.

Multi-millionaires are made by reading the masses and what they can sell them. So far everything seems to be on plan.


Anonymous said...

Sue is it possible you can explain to us how pissing off Labradorians will serve for Premier Williams and his cohorts to make Multi-millions of dollars.

I know you have reasoning to write what you have written but it escapes me with my limited knowledge. I am sure there are many more of us in this province who are not aware of what has gone on and what is going on.

If you could please give more details in general terms we will be more enlightened and that will be positive for the masses of us.

When armed with more of the information, we can make more informed decisions.

Thanks in advance.

NL-ExPatriate said...

Interesting theory, but I must say I don't really follow. Maybe because I don't have the inside knowledge of these individuals with which you speak?

It isn't so much that I don't follow as I don't really follow how you are attempting to substantiate your arguments.

Patriot said...

Like the other comments here Sue, I see where you are going (and perhaps it's the lack of insight or inside information that you would have gained over the years) but this direction is so machiavellian as to need further insight.

To the uninitiated chess is just a game.

Anonymous said...

I will quote one of Labrador's town mayors and say, "Maybe, Newfoundland can't afford us"... and my opinion has long been, (There must be a cheaper way to govern Labrador, than losing everything in the attempt).

Anonymous said...

I think you have hit at least some of the nails on the head.
I am no social scientist, no political scientist, nor can I claim much knowledge in those fields, but I have had probably a million thoughts on some of this.
I think some things go back to the Wells administration.
Bottom line is I think the so called 'Energy Plan' release timing and content is as much about challenging dissent in Labrador as anything else, or at least right up there with procuring energy for the Island. And very likely, with the overwhelming majority in the past four years, increasing this time around - certainly some seats can be written off, or at least well worth the gamble in Labrador.