Sue's Blog

Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Premier's Energetic Little Blue Book

As we await our long overdue Energy Plan - I wonder if it will reflect the commitments made in the last Blue Book?

Let's have a peek - shall we?

Newfoundland and Labrador is an energy rich Province. Our energy resources provide a strong and secure base to meet our energy needs and to attract private sector investment to resource developments and manufacturing industries in the Province.

Let's take this one - attract private sector investment to resource developments and manufacturing industries...Those industries - still waiting - still waiting...

Implement an energy plan to ensure that all energy sources are used first to provide a reliable, affordable supply of power for domestic use and for Province-wide economic development, and then to take advantage of business opportunities in export markets to sell energy that is excess to our needs on terms that secure maximum benefits for the Province.

Implement? You have not even released it yet. Now this one would mean that Lower Churchill would be used for Province-wide economic development...Where is that development??? Why are we counting on export first???

Retain Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro as a Crown corporation with a mandate to support the Province's economy by providing reliable, clean energy at competitive prices, and making sure that its customers receive the best possible service for their money, while retaining well-paying, quality jobs (seasonal or otherwise) in the Province, as is their mandate.

So far that is somewhat intact - except we are privatizing our generation - and instead of profiting from it ourselves - we will pay people like say - the Italian Government. Better stop those giveaways of our wind-power Premier.

A main objective of a Progressive Conservative government is to secure maximum benefits for the Province from the development of our hydroelectricity resources.

If this is true - you will not export the power - Ontario does not need more industry - we do - and maximum benefits for the province does not necessarily mean maximum profits.

In particular, further development of the hydroelectricity potential on the Churchill River system must bring real and long-term benefits to the people of the Province and make a strong contribution to the Province's economy.

First of all let me remind you that you stated there would be no further dealings with Quebec unless resolve was found on the Upper Churchill - and real long-term benefits means industry from resources right???

Promote industrial development and meet domestic energy demand in Labrador and then on the Island of Newfoundland.

What have we done to accomplish this? Maybe Kevin O'Brien Minister of Business or Trevor Taylor Minister of Industry or Kathy Dunderdale Minister of Natural Resources and/or even the Premier - real Minister of everything can show is how they have promoted industrial development for Labrador or the Island using Lower Churchill Power.

Export surplus energy at market value, and on terms that will allow for recall to meet energy demand in the Province.

That is the only thing we see you working on Premier - now please tell us why the "best team" cannot come up with one industrial customer for the best energy in the world - hydro - and particularly with the Lower Churchill - one of the best remaining projects in Canada!!

Now Premier you can start living up to your promises...

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