Sue's Blog

Monday, February 19, 2007

Just a Note of Interest

That post on Williams and Doer being snookered by McGuinty and Charest - well it's raised some interest - Sue's Blog was just visited by somebody in the Legislature of Ontario.
Well - well - well....


Anonymous said...

Sue I hear your lonely cries on our Lower Hydroelectric Project in Labrador; just as I heard your cries on the privatization of Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro. You had a victorious win in the case of stopping Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro from being privatized, and now I am wondering 15 years hence will you be as successful in the upcoming Lower Churchill Hydroelectric Energy Project/PURE GOLD where you are seeking it to be developed for Labrador and Newfoundland. You want that Energy to be kept in Labrador, and that is where it should stay, right here in Labrador to create industry here, no transmission lines needed. The only thing that we need is to put the financing in place and let the World know the energy is there to create that industry. We will be diluged with proposals. (I am pretty sure though the World knows that energy is there but they might be thinking that Quebec and Ontario will be the beneficiary and will be dispensing it. We have to see to it that does not happen and Mother Ottawa should be making damn well sure that it doesn't happen. Ottawa has aided and abetted too many of our resources to be passed over to other provinces, while leaving us destitute here in Newfoundland and Labrador. Who is going to bring Mother Ottawa to justice on those trangressions?

PREMIER WILLIAMS are you listening? We, as Newfounaldners and Labradorians, are on side with Sue with this one, please don't let Ontario and Quebec provoke you into giving away the last change for Labrador and Newfoundland to have a future that includes industry? If you do Premier Williams, you will not be able to plead ignorance, since you are the most educated, intelligent and astute Contract reading Premier we have ever had, AND if you do an awful contract, such as giving away the Pure Gold Energy of the Lower Churchill to sustain and promote more industry West of this province, you will go down in the annals of Newfoundland and Labrador's history as being the NERO of this province. You do not want that Premier Williams no more than I, and the rest of my colleagues in Newfoundland and Labrador, want to see you do it. We do not want any more Neros added to our list of politicans in our history books. You are our chance to halt that awful practice of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, that is giving away our resources for nothing for the benefits of others. That has to be stopped. And when I put my vote in the ballot box for your party, I thought that was indeed what I was voting for, the giveaways.

Thanks Premier Williams for reading this.

Anonymous said...


Why didn't you submit a written brief for the "Energy Plan" to the Dept of Natural Resources?

Sue Kelland-Dyer said...
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Sue Kelland-Dyer said...
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Sue Kelland-Dyer said...

Sue Kelland-Dyer said...
Go to this website hit Energy Plan Submissions and then go to IBEW.

I was busy authoring that during the hearings.

Erik Sorenson said...

Quick. Everyone put on hairshirts, and man (or women) the barricades against the western infidels.

It's all rather pathetic, of course. And the "Ontario legislature" surfer that you are so proud of, so suspicious of? Probably just a clerk compiling the equivalent of press clippings. It's done every day, world-wide. By corporations too. There are even commercial clipping services, would you believe?

Unbelievable the amount of frothing at the mouth that goes on here.

Sue Kelland-Dyer said...

Yes Erik - use your typical Central Canadian condescending tone. Do we know there are media monitoring services? Not true Erik!

Fact is you suck the life out of all around you and sit back and put down the places and people that have significantly contributed to your wealth. You are to be pitied - but more importantly - cut off from our resources.

Are you ready to admit that your welfare is the Government of Canada who you rent space to?

Erik Sorenson said...

Sue, I've given up trying to break through your barrier of defeatism. But, in a fit of generosity, let me offer you Ottawa, if you think that Ontario is getting suck a great deal out of "renting space to the government". Take it, it's yours. It's been nothing but a cost centre for us all our lives.

It's probably the best employment solution for NL&L, too. You can then have all 300,000 NL-based civil servants moaning and wailing to each other. It will certainly be a lot more productive than we have found them to be, and a lot quieter in the rest of Canada! Coral all the wailing. Why, we might even rename the straits "The Moaning Moat".

And, Sue, the reason that there's little or no industry in your neck of the woods is:
1. Critical markets to serve (location)
2. Location.
3. Location.

Oh, and did I mention "location"?

Sue Kelland-Dyer said...


I'll send a map...


and you think you are not dependent?

Anonymous said...

Sue what a crazy guy you are conversing with on your blog. This person is not with it enough to know how Ottawa works. That's how he wants to present himself but it is all a pretense, but nevertheless it is a way of being non-transparent, and therefore the reason why Canada has been downgraded by Transparency International twice in the past 5 years. This person is part of the psyche of Ottawa. Keep things non-transparent, then Canadians won't find out what Newfoundland and Labrador has contributed to Canada since we became part of it.

It worked for a long time, 58 years to be exact, but we have their number, it will not work any longer.

WJM said...


Sue, you advertise your research skills.

They need sharpening.

There are only fewer than 400,000 federal civil servants in ALL OF CANADA.

Only about 150,000 — half of your "300,000" — in all of Ontario, let alone "Ottawa".

But don't let the facts get in the way of a good ol' Newfoundland crypto-separatist rant. I know you never do.

While you're in the researching business:

(A) Where are the PROVINCIAL civil service jobs located? and

(B) Why?

WJM said...

the reason why Canada has been downgraded by Transparency International twice in the past 5 years.

You know, it would be worth it to make Newfoundland into an independent country for just an hour, if only to see where President Danny's Glorious PWG-waving Republic would rank according to "Transparency International", whoever they are.

You know, what with the secret slush funds, and the flagrantly violated Access to Information laws, and the veiled threats against dissidents and all.

Sue Kelland-Dyer said...

you should read - and conduct proper research yourself - that 300,000 came from a number that Erik just offered up in sarcasm.

Erik will be delighted for you to join him in promoting Ontario.

WJM said...

Erik will be delighted for you to join him in promoting Ontario.

And Enver Hoxha will be delighted for you to join him in promoting nationalist-communist economic development.