Sue's Blog

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

How deep does the Prejudice Go?

Bordering on cultural racism - alive and well in Central Canada.

As you may have noticed Sue's Blog has been alerting people to a very bias web blog out of Ontario. The comments I caught quite accidentally were demeaning enough - but his latest post to his Ontarian blog is something else again.

This was his first commentary:

Attention Canadians. Two jerk-offs are after your money. No, they are not thieves, although you might think so at first glance.

They are Danny Williams, the Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Lorne Calvert, the Premier of Saskatchewan. They love to operate on the basis that there’s “free” money - yours and mine - available to eternally support their provinces under the so-called equalization principle. Except there’s no “equality” in this scheme at all — just a blood-sucking scheme to have the rest of Canada pay money to their coffers.

Now read this and if you would like to visit the site PRESS HERE

Somewhere in Newfoundland and Labrador, under a slimy rock, is a miniature flock of sheep. So small that their combined brain mass and intellectual powers would be exceeded by a single-celled organism.

They think of themselves as their province’s patriots. In reality they are only sheep, or perhaps rodents lured by the notes of their Pied Piper, Mother Mendacious. Writing drivel, especially the most uninformed and erroneous drivel, is their specialty.

Their mission is also clear, and blind, and immature. Blame the rest of Canada for every slight, imagined or real, that has ever occurred to their province. Not enough pogey? Blame Ottawa, maybe even those stingy Ontarians despite the fact that the Toronto GTA alone sends out $20 billion per year more in taxes than it receives back. Declining fish stocks? Ottawa’s fault, without a shred of thought that there might be some small measure of culpability by fishermen and their province’s politicians.

Not enough taxpayer-funded federal buildings, universities, offices, free-money dispensing institutions in the province? Blame Ottawa, not their own politicians for failing to make the most of their meager resources and assets. And having to depend on the rest of Canada to pay for unlocking their hydro potential? Blame Ontario, Quebec and Ottawa.

Because, you see, it’s infinitely easier to sit on your duff, collect pogey for the rest of the year after only working 10 weeks, and moaning rather than actually doing something about their “plight”. Better that the rest of Canada continue to keep sending money to these few unfortunates, so that they will be able to buy pencils to write how nasty the rest of Canada is to Newfoundland and Labrador.

It’s just a few Newfies, but they must be amongst the most stupid in their province because their “leader”, one “Sue” who writes here and on other blogs, professes to be a “CA”. I wonder if it stands for “can’t add’, because this mendacious little dingbat seems to have forgotten to attend the Business and Economics 101 lectures in her course. Woe is us, she proclaims. Let’s develop Churchill Falls and keep the output for ourselves, cutting off any use by Quebec, Ontario or, for that matter, any other part of Canada.

Except Sue is deliciously vague on where the development and construction money would come from if there were no markets for the output power. Nor to answer a single question: is there a big enough light bulb in her province to soak up the gigawatts of power that is going to start flowing out the end of that power cord? Nor to consider another conundrum: why should Labrador ship it’s power to Newfoundland when it could make real money selling the energy to westward provinces? Sue is actually quite thick on these and other simple economic questions.

But the absolute disgrace, the betrayal, is Sue’s propensity for whipping her flock of sheep into a Canada-hating and spiteful group of navel-gazing dodo birds. Don’t ask Sue to look forward, to think about helping her province out of this servitude that she conjures up for her followers. No, even when one offers to freely help Sue and her motley rag-tag group of rearward-focused nimwits, she whips the huddled masses (about 10, from what I can see) into another retrospective frenzy. Nearly 40 posts and comments, and not one non-whining and non-moaning comment. A solid record of accomplishment for the public-funded education system there, I’m sure.

Is this the best that taxpayer-funded education in Newfoundland can produce? A “CA” who can’t spell Economics 101. A “CA” who can only think in terms of the rest of Canada continuing to be a huge reservoir of money to be sent only to Newfoundland, preferably only St. Johns? One who has great difficulty discerning the concept of working for a living, rather than living off the public teat? As Sue puts it in one post:

“We could be looking at policy for transportation infrastructure - federal jobs and crown agencies - municipal infrastructure - educational institutes - and federal funding - being focused even more on Halifax.” Poorly-disguised pogey money in the form of taxpayer-funded “civil servant” jobs.

In her post on Bill Gates and the Prime MInister, “CA Sue” has great difficulty disguising her loathing of capitalism and philanthropy. In addition, of course, to misleading readers into thinking that the Prime Minister chose a Gates meeting rather than attend an AIDS conference. They were at least 6 months apart, Sue, the PM sent his Health Minister to the AIDs scream-up, and the learned friend you quote actually said, the other day, that the government should be congratulated for this!

One wonders why Sue would chose to be a “CA”, and have to deal with books and legers of dreaded capitalists, if she loathes that crowd so forcefully. Thank God Sue can suck and blow at the same time, though, or she might really be handicapped!

Newfoundland and Labrador have enough of a challenge to grow the self-sustaining part of their economy without blithering idiots like “Sue” and her pimply-faced youths making the job more difficult. I would help that province freely, but not if sheep and nutbars like “CA Sue” are involved. Who needs more boat anchors around the necks of those trying to make a difference?

And we don't have real problems in this federation?
on another note - I am not a Chartered Accountant CA - Mr. Sorenson mistook my Country Code CA as my professional designation...


Anonymous said...

Sue the article written by Erik Sorensen is very troubling. It is racist and it might even border on a Human Rights issue. I see this article as slandering not only you but all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.

Anonymous said...

Sue the article written by Erik Sorensen is very troubling to all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. It is racist and it might even border on a Human Rights issue. I see this article as slandering not only you but every citizen of this province. This person should be brought to some sort of justice for the hatred he spewed forth with his diatribe in the article you have posted on your blog under the title "How deep does the Prejudice Go"? I cannot believe a person would be permitted to write such an article about a group of people in this country called Canada, after all freedom of the press has its limits. It's putrid. I can't imagine an article like this being allowed to be printed about some Quebecer and all the people of Quebec.

As a Newfoundlander and Labradorian he slandered each and every one of us. And I will go as far as to the make a guess that the reason being is your stance Sue on the Lower Churchill, where you take the stand that the Hydroelectric Energy project must be done for Labrador and its people. Ontarians and Quebecers want that energy so badly that they will go to any length to get it. Please Sue this person must be admonished in some way publicly for painting us all as stupid human beings. It is shocking!

Anonymous said...

Sue - the great thing about the internet, and also the worst thing, is that it empowers all the hacks, weirdos, and losers of the world. It allows the lonely and the confused to give voice to all the little bitternesses that build up over an empty lifetime.

Who to attack in Canada, to make you feel better, when you are already the "lowest of the low" (Mother Theresa) ? Who is essentially defenceless, marginalized by the Canadian society and economy, and consistently let down by a long string of political "leaders" (our current lad perhaps the most cynical and phoney in our history) ?

The Newfoundlander, that's who.

This Sorenson guy, unpublished, unelectable, lonely, strange, broke and bitter...he's the latest in a long line of cynics who have attacked us.

Let them come, because when the bigoted attacks stop it will mean we have become thouroughly Americanized, like them, and thus, dead.

Table Mountains said...

is this mr.sorensen a correspondent for the CBC national news in our country?

Sue Kelland-Dyer said...

This guy spells his name ERIK I think the reporter is ERIC.. I don't think so.

Table Mountains said...

every once in a while, i read something of such power and good sense that I say to myself, "wayne,it's to darn bad you didn't have the wits and wisdom to write that!" but today is not one of them!

Anonymous said...

The CBC reporter spells both his first and last names differently - Eric Sorensen. So the answer is no, it is not him. It is obvious this guy isn't a reporter. But folks, the truth is we live in a democracy where free speach is protected. (Remember the guy who would like to take it away from us?) There is little we can do about prejudice except continue to act in a respectable manner and put our opinions and knowledge forward. I know such defamation is hard to ignore but it is not beneficial to our cause to sink to a level such as does Mr. Sorenson. I visited his blog when it was brought to my attention. It is obvious that I do not have anything in common with him therefore, I have chosen not to visit again. That's it plain and simple. My time is valuable and I just choose not to waste it that blog. Keep going Sue - do what you do best and don't get bogged down by this imbecile. We need you working on the important issues. Thanks for all the time and effort you put in for the benefit of us all.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sue keep working as you always have done for the good of your beloved province Newfoundland and Labrador, and its people and don't let this curmudgeon belittle you and your people. And by the way such hostility towards our people is the fuel we needed to ensure that the Lower Churchill Hydroelectric energy never leaves ours borders. It will be done for Labrador or it will not be done at all. Come on Newfoundlanders and Labradorians at home and abroad pony up your resources and let us fight for this resource like we have never fought before, since I know the Lower Churchill Hydroelectric energy project and your stance is the reason for this outbreak of IGNORANCE and BAD BEHAVIOUR.|

bagwatts said...

Okay, after reading Sorenson's tirade, I have only two questions: Is a 'nimwit' what you get when you combine a dimwit and a nimrod? Also, is it just me, or does this man sound as if he is protesting just a little too much?

Anonymous said...

Erik strikes me as being a mainland version of Sue, and most of the other people who leave comments here.

Charlie said...

It's all been said before, Sorensen, we all want pogey, and we are all uneducated newfies who won't get off your duffs (see Margaret Wendte, the Sun sportswriter, this is an annual event)... We know you can't write but can you read? Try reading about the generations of people from Newfoundland & Labrador who regularly outmigrate for work.

Since the 1960's at least, between 10,000 and 16,000 people leave the province for work each year. There has been a net loss of almost 10,000 in 1997-98, so give up the "getting off your duff" lies. You are deceiving any readers you might have. Some leave by choice, others because they need to work, and/or get experience, and/or support their families back home. How dare you insult people who are well trained, educated, or those not well trained, but willing to work. There are people from this province in possibly every line of work.

As for Sorenson's inane comment that anyone who has commented on this blog is a follower of "our leader" Sue, he must have skipped my little poke at his prejudicial spite. I, like many others, read many blogs, they are there to do just that. It is informative to read not only Sue's, but other Newfoundland and Labrador related blogs, whether one agrees with the point of view or not. It would be very boring and not very educational to have only one opinion on anything, especially when the topics are of importance like the Lower Churchill development. I regularly read NL related blogs, by the way, that is the official acronym of our province, not NL&L, and there are many opposing views. That can be a good thing because people who spend alot of time working on or thinking about important issues to NL, often have much to offer for consideration. I don't have to agree with Sue or any other blogger but I certainly respect her, and her very intelligent mind.

It was tempting to respond again to Archie Bunker's (eric's) website, but like Bren, I won't even visit that urban hillbilly's site again. There's nothing like a juicy controversy to get the visitor rate up for a web site. Talk about an old-fashioned attitude about a people. People are much more informed and intelligent than you give them credit for, and will probably ignore your venomous, online cesspool for what it is, and what you are.

Anonymous said...

I am one o fthe 16,000 "outmigrants" mentioned ni the commetns above. One of the main reason I left was because I was tired of our entire ploitical discourse being along the lines of what people like Sue say, and not enough along the lines of what this Erik, or Eric guy says. I don't agree with Eric, but for crying out loud, do we have to act so pathetic in response? Contrary to Sue's beliefe, we're all not a bunch of whining snivelling victims in Newfoundland. Or I should say "from" Newfoundland.

In newfoundland, having a big brain is reason to be shipped off. Or to run away. Having a big mouth is reasons to be encouraged to stay, take to the airwaves, or get elected to office.

Erik Sorenson said...

Most of the commenters here are infinitely better at wailing and moaning about grievances, than actually reading, absorbing and retaining the contents of my post.

It said "It’s just a few Newfies ... about 10, from what I can see". Not "all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians." For sure no village, town, city or province in Canada can be so dense and misinformed as you ten.

However, I have no doubt that my post will be repeated endlessly, and incorrectly, as another one of your urban myths. Fel free to do so, and to be ignored or laughed at by the rest of Canada and NL&L.

Anonymous is both anon and a sadly misinformed, if somewhat juvenile wannabe lawyer if he/she thinks my posts are cause for prosecution. Wouldn't recognise a human rights qualifier if tripped over it. However, I'd welcome even an attempt at that, if just to demonstrate that the 10 (typified by Anon) can get off their collective butts and do SOMETHING, rather than write and moan/wail. From that small step for mankind, it will easily be just a baby step to actually doing something positive for your province.

And since you obviously read and retain only a select portion of what I write, the part that "supports your continuous and repeated tales of woe", you should look back at your own posts. Most of them slag and insult Quebecers, Ontarians ... in fact, any province and provincial government west of you which is, to say, the rest of Canada. Doesn't bother me a bit, but I thought you might want to revisit the adage about pots and kettles.

However, I do owe Sue a mea culpa for misinterpreting the CA as an accounting designation rather than country code. That said, at least one of the 10 of you should complete a basic accounting course, or read an accounting primer, before contributing nonsense about free money, financing projects, risk adversion and recovering costs.

Lastly, I see Sue hasn't learned anything. There she is again on the front page with the lead " FPI must be purchased by the Province". Sure, Sue. The government running everything is the path to self-sufficiency, to outside investment. Tell you what, Sue, if FPI is gouging and such a profitable entity, why not start or restart a competitor. That should drive prices down, provide more jobs, be more responsive to local conditions and aspirations, and make money. Right? Just ask Hugo Chavez who is only at the beginning of ruining the Venezualan ecomomy. All he had to do was regulate the selling price of coffee, and now there's no coffee in the stores. In a country that has huge coffee harvests and production.

Money avoids idiots.

A government buying a business because you don't like it is another form of pogey. Any losses are paid by the taxpayer ... you. Is that what you want? Continued handouts? Or do you want to start creating winning conditions for natural and steady private sector growth.

Because if all you want is jobs, and are willing to pay for them yourselves, by all means have Danny buy all the businesses in NL&L. You'll surely scare away private enterprise for all time, keep yourself in thinly-disguised pogey, and create conditions for Labrador to separate from YOU because folks over there on the mainland seem to be a lot smarter bears than you 10 folks on the Rock.

Nothing is simple. Choices always have implications. And there are no easy choices. If you want socialism or thinly-veiled communism, just say so.

Oh, and Anon? Ontario could bring nuclear generation capacity on-line faster than unlocking your Churchill Falls capacity. Competition is reality. Nothing is free for you (or anyone else) to dork around and think you hold 100% of the aces. If you read just one financial magazine or newspaper, you will realize this. So get real, eh? I don't care ... joules come out of the end of the pipe in my home. I don't care if they are NL&L joules or Ontario home-grown joules.

Sue Kelland-Dyer said...

After you uttered the words "your meager resources"(referring to Newfoundland and Labrador resources) - the lack of self confidence was evident.
You are extremely good at insulting - one presumes to artificially raise your own status.
When you write about FPI - you are lacking knowledge about the structural investment mix.
You do seem really concerned about the Lower Churchill power though - more likely concerned we might use it to attract industry in Labrador.
In either case you are a belligerent human being.

Anonymous said...

Psychological warfare or the use of psychological tactics to destroy, Newfoundlanders and Labradorians', or in other words, THEIR opponents' morale, is being used by this person to reduce Newfoundlanders and Labradorians morale to the lowest common denominator. He thinks, like in the past, we will become so weak, we will say "the hell with it", let Quebec and Ontario have the Lower Churchill Hydroelectric Energy fruit.

But little does he know we have grown a vertebrae since the last bout of psychological warfare was waged on us during the proposed development of Voisey's Bay and Upper Churchill Resources.

I will borrow a quote from Premier Williams that he used during the Atlantic Accord fight and even before he took office, "there will be No More Giveaways".

Anonymous said...

Don't do it, don't do what we did to Wente, that is raise our ire and call the open line shows to vent our spleens. Keep calm. This man wants the same treatment. He is looking to have his name go down in the annals of Canadians history as having caused a fuss in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. He thinks he might even get a call from one of the Open Line Radio Show hosts to explain himself. We won't make this person as well known as we made Wente and others. Let us keep calm during the storm. All we need to do is become stronger in our resolve not to have the Lower Churchill Hydroelectric developed for any place other than Labrador.

Sue Kelland-Dyer said...

You know what - I agree - it does serve the purpose though of emphasizing how absolutely none of our valuable raw resources should travel west to Ontario again.

Anonymous said...

The Lower Churchill Hydroelectric Energy Project proposed development should be front and center on the Open Line Shows. Why is this subject not being brought up in every preamble of the Radio Show Hosts? Get with it Bill, Linda and Randy! Every one of you need to bring this issue to the forefront? I would recommend that the issue be a mainstay in all of your pre-talks with the slant that it should not be developed unless it is developed with Labrador as the location for the utilization of this resource.

The environment should not be disrupted unless it is for use by the part of the province which has the adjaceny to the resource, that is Labrador.

Erik Sorenson said...

If I am "belligerent", it's because I'm 66, have a life of business and management behind me, am retired, have seen my fair share of doltish and boneheaded ploys before, and know what I'm talking about. It's also good for shock value to get you thinking about the furute, rather than shutting your province eternally down because you perceive past injustices.

1. "... none of our valuable raw resources should travel west to Ontario again.". Who cares? You are "hurting" Ontario? More like cutting your noses off to spite your face. Have you really thought about what you are saying? You aren't interested in helping your province. Only in feeling better. How selfish, how "caring".

2. "... more likely concerned we might use it to attract industry in Labrador. " Yes, yes, yes. For God's sake do that. Do something. Just get the money from private investment houses, not us the taxpayer. Even use your own money. That's the great equalization step that ensures there's a business proposition involved, rather than Alice in Wonderland dreams that you folks have. Do it! Quit talking about it!

3. "... The environment should not be disrupted unless it is for use by the part of the province which has the adjaceny to the resource, that is Labrador." Yes, yes, I like that concept. I agree with you. And to show our solidarity, the rest of Canada isn't going to send equalization payments to NL&L anymore because we aren't going to ruin OUR environment just to make you happy. I mean, why pull minerals out of the ground, manufacture anything along with accompanying pollution, for a province that isn't "adjacent" to Ontario, or Alberta, or Saskatchewan, etc. Do you realize how foolish you sound? Do you realize how hateful you are, and how you wish to keep your province "downtrodden" by your views?

4. "... having caused a fuss in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador". I hope so, if it will get you off your duffs, stop your complaining, and get you to do something. Publicity. I don't need it, want it, seek it. I don't do TV, radio, etc. I'm a background, back office type, not an upfront flashy marketeer. Nice try. When you have to invent erroneous motives, you really are desperate. And, Sue, I don't give a fig about my "status" as you claim. Maybe you want to be a big frog in a little pond. I couldn't care less. Believe me, at 66 and mediocre health, I really don't give a rodent's posterior about "status" or "stature". Ditto previous accounts of me working for the feds (never have, thanks), an agent of the feds (don't make me laugh), hoping to make money out of this (I offered my services free, but you whiners just won't take "yes" for an answer). Do you EVER think about what you write? It's defeatist and pathetic.

5. "... you are lacking knowledge about the structural investment mix.". Au contraire, lady. I'm very familiar with it, having read up on it recently. And my advice is still the same. If you want one industry in NL&L (government), by all means buy FPI with YOUR money. Just don't ask for private investment or ROC/taxpayer money, since money avoids nationalizations, government-run economies, and abhorrent cost/revenue structures like the plague. It is you 10 who do not understand the world.

But feel free to live in your own little la-la world. Nothing will change, and your grandchildren will be moaning the same tune in 100 years hence. Don't you see this? Are you that blind?

Anonymous said...

Accounting for Erik.

Sue Kelland-Dyer said... read about us recently...
we once were blind but now we see - and you had better hope the resources some of your communities depend on don't dry up soon - I can assure you not soon enough for me.

The only thing you challenge here is the awakening of our province - natural resource kindness has killed us.

You will forever be the welfare province of Canada as long as you rent your province to house the federal government.

Erik Sorenson said...

Anonymous. I don't know the business case that you are trying to make. If it's that NL is self-suffient or a monay-maker, it's not true. If it's to present a financial case for Churchill or other funding, no one would look at your analysis. instead, true time-based cash flows would be offset against the cost of bringing the revenue stream on-line, and if it met the hurde rate for that investor, you would have a deal --- for that revenue stream only.

I didn't spend much time on your .pdf, just glanced through it, but perhaps you could explain the following.

Quote: "Benefits accruing to the federal government were calculated at $20.6 billion, a figure derived from the value of the groundfish fishery to provinces other than NL. The net benefit accruing to Canada was calculated at $15.16 billion." This "benefit" is hypothetical on two fronts. First, you say later on that it "could" have been generated if a sustainable fishery continued; it didn't. So no money was seen or will be seen or, if it is, it will be miniscule in comparison wo what your analysis plugged in.

Second, the value of a fishery doesn't accrue to the federal government or other provincial governments directly. It accrues to producers, processors and retailers down the value chain, and to taxing authorities (incl NL) eventually. But to take this taxing into account you have to show the cost flows from the federal government inwards in the form of net transfer payments, including social services, etc., which you haven't. In other words, you have shown potential (but not realizable) benefits, with no costs.

So you are about $20 billion in the hole, minimum, perhaps double that. And that's not cost-beneficial, it's cost, pure cost.

As I said, it was a quick read, so maybe I'm off base or missing something.

Sue: Another look backwards. Never learn, eh? Or don't want to. And I'm still waiting for your proofs and facts back at my blog on the points I raised.

bagwatts said...

Erik, money does NOT avoid idiots. My God, a whole bunch are born to it. In fact, that is how most people get it. Not very many rags to riches stories that are authentic. Erik, I'm not a Newfoundlander but I've paid some serious dues here, so I'm feeling justified in speaking about the state of affairs in this province. Erik, there are some wonderful people here. I mean really tremendous people. I know at least five who put their lives on hold for me and went to the wall a couple of times. I'm not one of them, but they did it anyway. Why? Because there is a strong undercurrent of decency here among folks. There is also a strong apathy and fear. This place is run like a feudal system. The corruption is horrid and as a Canadian from elsewhere, I'm ashamed. I'm ashamed that since 1949 we have not only as a nation allowed one of our own provinces to fall into the hands of despots and bastards but, we have even helped them. I know why and it's an ugly reason. There is a decay taking place here economically and socially that Ottawa is helping to make happen. Bigotry is a useful tool that is often used by ruling bodies in a subliminal way. Before you know it, a stereotype becomes fact right before your very eyes. Ottawa is doing just that.

Money. I know it very Well. Had it. Lost it. Counted it for wealthy people. Saw them lose it. Tell you what, think more in terms of little Newfoundlanders going to school hoping for a future here, if you are so inclined. That is all that really matters when discussing this economy. Children.

The situation in this province reminds me more than a little bit, of what has and continues to happen in farming country in Canada and the US. How many farmers have lost a way of life that has been in their families for generations because of the federal government's mismanagement of agricultural matters. Same thing here, only fish not corn or beef with mad cow.

Charlie said...

Let's get a couple of things clear about Erik and his supporters. Anything written at all will be skewed and spun to be tagged as "moaning and wailing". The old prejudice attitude you have shows your 66 years. That attitude is that Newfoundland is the punching bag, and it is your God given right to insult, but if defending ourselves from people like yourself is interpreted as wailing, then that's your own or anyone else's problem of perception. Put it in perspective.

Here's a sample of one of Erik's comments made on his own site.
“I figured that I should not do any work either, for a shifless bunch of whiners. BTW, who goes to the bathroom for you, considering that you are too lazy to do it yourself? Just wondering, not applying for the post. Too sh***y a job. But a job, nevertheless, for a Newfoundlander. Or should more Russians just be imported again to fill this NL “skill gap”?”

There you have it, and there are other instances as well. Erik you give yourself and your place a bad image.

For those of us who are positive and forward thinking, comments like this are annoying. NL has led economic growth in this country in much of the last 10 years, and there are 1000's of entrepreneurs who have been part of it.

Life is short and precious, and you should not waste your time turning back the clocks of prejudice and putting people on the defensive. You can keep that condescending attitude, and your bigotry where the sun don't shine, Toronto.

Anonymous said...

Sue, don't let the remarks of that pathetic bigot, Erik Sorensen, bother you.

Racial hatred towards Newfoundland is endemic in Ontario, it's always been like that , the many wonderful people who live there notwithstanding. It's similar to their attitude towards Quebec. Having lived there for more than twenty years I've had ample time to observe and ponder this phenomenon. I believe it stems from an inferiority complex that's deep in their collective psyche. Unlike Newfoundland and Quebec , they have no proud history. They are a nation founded by losers: refugees from the American Revolution who having had the bad judgment to choose the wrong side, fled to the north in fear of being tarred and feathered. They smugly call themselves, British Empire Loyalists. In American history they are recorded as traitors. Ontario still carry that chip on its shoulder despite the fact that descendents of the original refugees are now far outnumbered by newcomers.

I recall a few years ago reading an article by some Ontario writer , I believe it was in the Canadian Geographic, making a cultural comparison between Toronto and Montreal. One of the examples he used to illustrate the superiority of Toronto was the claim that the CN tower was taller than Mount Royal. While it was hilarious it spoke volumes of why it is the place is pitied so much by the rest of the country.

Racial bigotry is a sickness. To use the analogy of the Norwalk virus, it is an intestinal poison which if it couldn't be expelled would be lethal. Fortunately there is a part of the anatomy called the rectum, that serves this function. Individuals like the Erik Sorensens and Margaret Wentes of the world are the societal rectums ; and in that sense , I suppose, serve some useful purpose. However, theirs is not an enviable job to be stuck with.

Erik Sorenson said...

Kodak: "For those of us who are positive and forward thinking, comments like this are annoying."

Ok, so you admit that I haven't annoyed anyone. But has anyone got off their butt over this? Nope. Still looking through the rear-view mirror.

I still think your quickest, cheapest, least risky way to achieve self-sufficiency, full-potential employment, and self-sustaining tax base is the one I documented at my blog.

Of course if all 10 of you wish to continue moaning about me, rather than doing anything (including engaging brain cells), it ain't gonna hurt me. You folks are the ones with the problem you can't solve, because of denial.

Because anywhere west of you, things are just fine, thanks! Of course this is the land of free enterprise and limited only by the effort you put into ensuring your success. Sound vaguely familiar?

WJM said...

Erik, that "analysis" is riddled with methodological flaws.

Actually, it almost hurts to call them "methodological flaws", because that implies there was a methdology. There wasn't. There was an agenda, a separatist one, and any fact that inconveniently got in the way was ignored, if it was even discovered at all.

The section on EI was particularly laughable:

WJM said...

Erik, I"d say that the Independent's "analyis" was methodologically unsound, but that would be to imply that they had a methodology, which is to give them way too much credit. I'd love to know who was behind that "analysis".

There was no methodology, just separatist ideology. They looked at one side of the ledger, and not very closely or well, while conveniently ignoring the other side at every turn.

The EI section is also quite laughable:

Anonymous said...

Sue: Your blog has been hit with a serious case of cyberspace bullying, otherwise known as a faceless crime. This character ES is getting off with one of the worst cases of racism that I have ever witnessed in print perpetrated on any Canadian, specifically perpetrated on you, your fellow posters and all of the people of Newfoundland and Labrador.

I believe I read in this character's credentials on his site that he worked for the Canadian Government on some project or other.

Recently I read a list of things that the Federal Government has put taxpayer’s monies into over the years. I was shocked to see what the list included and the silly things that the Federal Government would fund. I will endeavour to find the list, since I don't have it at my fingertips at the moment and I think it should be printed.

I am now wondering if this character is being paid by the Feds, or maybe even one of the Provincial Governments to break us down into a mush? Then as a result Ottawa and the Central provinces, again, will be the beneficiary of one of our resources, namely the Lower Churchill Hydroelectric Energy for Mainland Canada. After all the racist attitudes this person is spewing forth on the people of Newfoundland and Labrador he is setting himself up for a legal case against himself. This character is probably even being protected against that sort of action by some other entity other than himself. God only knows, it could even be our own Mother Government, Ottawa. Ottawa has funded very strange events.

This type of abuse by this character only deepens our resolve to endeavour to have any future Newfoundland and Labrador resources developed for Newfoundland and Labrador, and in the case of the Lower Churchill Hydroelectric Energy, it will be for Labrador's benefit.

Erik Sorenson said...

Anon: Do you really work hard at being inaccurate?

1. I'm not "faceless". My blog is clearly identified, my name clearly visible, and so on. So just how am I "faceless" as you say? Facts, please, not more innuendo. BTW, YOU are using the "Anonymous" (faceless) moniker on your posts, aren't you?

2. I challenge you to provide one reference of where I "worked for the Federal government", as you put it. Another untruth, another fabrication, and just another venue for you to rant against the Feds. Pitiful, really.

3. I am not "being paid by the Feds, or maybe even one of the Provincial Governments to break us down into a mush". I have stated many times that I haven't worked for the Feds, that I'm now 65+ and peacefully retired. Could it be any clearer, or what part of "you're completely wrong" do you not understand? Please adjust the tin foil on your head for better reception if you are still having great difficulty understanding what I am saying.

4. Am I "being protected against that sort of action by some other entity other than himself", as your inner paranoia kicks into high gear? Listen to yourself" How many voices do you hear? Now do you understand your problem?

Anon, next time you want to make a fool and a liar out of yourself, why not put your words and thoughts on paper, read them afterwards for personal glee and satisfaction, and then burn the pages. That will go a long way to dispelling the (altogether untrue, I'm sure) rumours that you talk to bushes in your spare time.

Anonymous said...

E.S. you sound like a very sick character. You write about the people of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador with such unabashed bigotry that you have crossed every line of decency.

I stand by my original comment to Sues's blog that is: "Sue's blog has been hit with a serious case of cyberspace bullying, otherwise known as a faceless crime".

You E.S can interpret what I said any way you want, I stand by my comment. And I think if it were investigated, you have broken some of the Canadian laws that govern the limits of "freedom of speech" to the point where you have made very serious racist remarks over which you could and should be brought to justice.