Sue's Blog

Thursday, January 18, 2007

If Harper Breaks this Promise take the Flag down for Good

Well readers and contributors to Sue's Blog - if you can dedicate some of your time to reading a post - let it be this one.

Let's start with the letter of promises Stephen Harper gave to Danny Williams during the last federal election campaign.


In this letter you will notice a section which addesses the question of Equalization. Stephen Harper clearly states that non-renewable natural resource revenues will be reomoved from the formula. He also states that no province will be adversely affected by changes to the equalization formula.

When Danny signed the additional agreement under the Atlantic Accord he failed to protect against changes to the equalization formula. This was clearly an error in otherwise a tremendous accomplishment.

Equalization is a stand-alone federally controlled program which is reviewed every four years and Danny knew that changes were imminant. On that basis - somebody let him down on the wording of the agreement or he simply capitulated to that wording in order to claim victory.

During the course of negotiations questions were raised by members of the public and subsequently by the Opposition regarding concerns that changes to equalization in the future could could diminish or even eliminate the gains that would be made.

The Premier acknowledged this concern - as did his Minister of Finance - Loyola Sullivan - and claimed that this obstacle would be overcome before a deal was signed.

When he rode down the esculator to hundreds or thousands of cheering fans - it was clear the Stanley Cup had arrived. The Premier laced up the skates - took it to the Canadians and achieved 100%.

He did not tell you the whole truth - and in that he either lied or was incompetant. What he achieved was a 100% position that could be altered by any PM in the future during equalization review.

So the Premier knows the flaw is there - but he would rather place the emphasis of commitment on Harper. In fact he nor we would have to be concerned right now about the oil revenues if he had done the job.

He is now hanging his helmet on the promise made by Harper that no province would be adversely affected by changes to the equalization formula. Harper for his part can cause the additional agreement gains to be diminished and still claim that our province is not adversely affected by changes to Equalization. Harper - you see - is treating the equalization program as distinct and seperate from the Atlantic Accord & the new Additional Agreement. Technically he is correct but morally and ethically he is void - as he knows that the rumoured changes would impact Newfoundland and Labrador through the change in formula (indirectly) as equalization is one component of three used in the calculation of our Additional Agreement benefits.

Having said all of that - the Premier should concern himself with the ultimate promise made by Harper to Newfoundland and Labrador - in fact all of Canada - that is to remove non-renewable natural resource revenues from the formula. If he were to live up to that commitment - the Additional Agreement would not even be necessary. Further it would remove the significant revenues we receive now from mineral resources and particularly Voisey's Bay.

Stephen Harper will get away with breaking this promise - because Quebec does not want it and Ontario does not care (as long as they get their bit) - unless Danny is a true fighting Newfoudlander and Labradorian and takes the PM on if he breaks this crucial commitment. But that is going to take real guts - not the smart-mouthed hockey enforcer that thrills the fans by throwing off the gloves and hauling up the sleeves on his 1949 Jersey. Not the same tactics used with Abitibi or the Public Service Unions or FPI (all show - but no go). No he needs to treat Harper like he treats the oil giants. He needs to expose this PM as a traitor to his country - a sell-out of his stated economic principles - the ones he esposed for decades.

Harper is a political prostitute. He abandoned all ideology before he sat his arse on the PM's chair for the first time. He is being managed by political handlers (most important of which is Mulrooney) and is being told what is and who are important to maintain government.

First let me repeat that equalization does not require agreement by one or ten provinces of Canada - it is a federal unilateral program. Politically speaking it requires only Quebec - Ontario - and to a lesser degree Alberta and BC.

When Harper made the promise to remove non-renewables from the formula - he was supported by BC - Alberta - Saskatchewan - Ontario - and Newfoundland and Labrador and was rejected by Manitoba - Quebec - PEI - New Brunswick - and Nova Scotia. It was 5 to 5.

What happened since is the height of ethically bankrupt politicians. He had two ways to go. To break the impasse between provinces he could have found a solution to bring more support to the promise of removal. This would have taken some brains - dedication - and creativity. It would appear - if the rumours are true - that he chose instead the tried and true political route of "just give Quebec and Ontario what they want". Make no mistake this hurts us. This is where we should make our stand and a final stand at that if we can't hold him to this promise.

Quebec was easy - they did not want non-renewables removed - Ontario was just as easy if Harper promised them a new bag of money. Alberta supported the principle but does not rely on it - as they are not a recipient province.

Face to face - eyeball - to eyeball Harper guaranteed me that non-renewable natural resource revenues would be removed. It was and is based on solid economic policy which recognizes that future generations would not have direct benefit from an exhausted non-renewable resource - so at the very least the direct revenues from those resources when exploited should remain in the Provinces for infrastructure or a "heritage fund" or some other benefit that would accrue to our children and grand-children.

If the PM breaks this promise the flag should come down and never go up again - because Canada (Ontario and Quebec) will have screwed our people again.

That Randy Simms is not a myth.


Anonymous said...

You are 100% correct Sue. If Harper breaks his promise to Newfoundland and Labrador, the flag should come down for good. And if he does the country of Canada is corrupt, because afterall the Prime Minister is the true representative of Canada. How can we stay in such a country? It would be crazy to do so, there will be no room for movement forward for Newfoundland and Labrador and why would we stay and prostitute ourselves any longer?

Lloyd said...

Sue, the flag never should have gone up in the first instance, and any Newfoundlander who flies it is shamelessly flouting his or her own humiliation. It's for this reason that I will be glad if Harper not only reneges on his promise but takes it a step further and abolishes the CNOPB, placing control of this resource entirely in the hands of the feds.

It may be already too late, but if Newfoundlanders are going to be stirred from the stupor into which they've been conditioned by more than half a century of enforced dependency, it is going to take more than just an ordinary shock.

Our people are not now, nor have they ever been a factor in the nefarious "confederation" arrangement. This had rather to do with territorial claims and the vast raw materials resource potential ; particularly as it related at the time to Labrador iron ore: a treasure that was carefully concealed until after the fact from the "dumb newfies".

Also , it would show up those opportunists who go to Ottawa to "represent " us for the quislings that they are. Imagine Loyola Hearne trying to mealy-mouth his way out of that one!

Lloyd C.

Mark said...

Yes. Take down the flags. Burn them. And burn every envelope with a maple leaf on it. Every last one. That'll teach 'em. Then separate. Yes, cuz if we separate we'll get the Equalization we're due. Yessir. Sign me up.