Sue's Blog

Monday, January 06, 2014

NL Media take heed of the Rob Ford Principle

Another short post:

I like many Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are listening to everything we can on the current crisis in our electrical system.

I like many others are also noticing the careful wording and spin being used by the Premier, Minister Dalley and Ed Martin.

I have noticed that many of the predictable questions asked by the media already have predictable answers at the ready.

Remember the Rob Ford Principle: you didn't ask me the right question.

So either the media gets down and at it or we will have to wait for Kathy and Ed to do a Rob Ford.

I do not expect Kathy or Ed to do that so - can we have the media up the ante or at least keep pace with the tweeters and bloggers? You have direct access to the people responsible - use it to get all the information - not just what they want you to have.


Cyril Rogers said...

Sue, the media in this province are in bed with the politicians, with the possible exception of The Telegram editorial staff. It has become a charade in terms of media uncovering anything of significance.

The only real opposition comes from bloggers like yourself. Keep digging and keep posing the uncomfortable questions. Too many in the media have their collective heads in the sand too.

Anonymous said...

The message would have been out many, many moons ago concerning the give away of all of our natural resources that have been developed thus far, had the Media proprietors not being in bed with the politicians.

If the Media were not complicit they would have written articles about the give-aways many years ago to apprise the electorate of Newfoundland and Labrador of what was transpiring with their resource base. I might add, not all politicians, but some of them, especially the politicians who had power over the say of the resource development.

It is Shocking what happened to our province's natural resource base and it needs to be rectified.

Many politicians down through the years both Federal and Provincial have become multi-millionaires from the pilfering of our great resources.

We need justice on the natural resource file for all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians and some entity should start delving into the matter immediately.

Anonymous said...

As for Kathy Dunderdale, could I become more disgusted with her attitudes toward the people of her province? Crisis – she or any other government can define crisis in any bureaucratic terms that they choose – but when people are under duress province wide and where even a single life might be in jeopardy, this IS A CRISIS. And to my dismay, we did lose one soul to this crisis. Kathy Dunderdale, if you have any human compassion not yet passed over to the communications department or to your cabinet/your party, or to fulfill your own egocentric needs, it might be time to find it and to exercise it. How about you sit in the cold/dark for 2 days beside a freezing and secluded senior and then see if your definition of crisis changes.


Anonymous said...

Okay, Minister Kent - it is good to remind people of what not to do during a "crisis" such as the one this province has experienced.
The Minister says it is "commonsense". Well, it is commonsense during safe times, but when you feel that you are dying from the cold, you grasp at whatever you think will save your life. And decision-making is significantly impaired in freezing temperatures - check the research. (To my dismay, we have lost one soul in this crisis.) So the bottom line is, this government better come up with more strategic suggestions for freezing and hungry people than to simply attempt to impose commonsense on souls under duress
