Sue's Blog

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Cool Hand Luke meets Premier Dunderdale

Premier Dunderdale was faced with yet another bad polling result yesterday - in the latest quarterly CRA poll.

The polls are telling them that people do not support their government, it's direction, it's approach or her leadership.

The change in party support is virtually within the margin of error.

The Premier has decided that it has nothing to do with the policies or direction of government - rather it's how they brag about their achievements.

In this respect there are a few problems with the Dunderdale assessment.

1. Essentially it means the voting public must be stupid - we just don't get it. We are unable to see all the great things around us - unless of course the right marketing agency or personnel tell us in simpler - more understandable terms.

2. The Dunderdale government has spent untold fortunes advertising and a use of tremendous human resources to "message us".

3. The Dunderdale government has filled all social media and dominated talk shows to "message us".

4. The Premier feels that more fuzzy "home heating" like promotion may warm the cockles of our feeling cold Tory hearts.

5. Refusal to accept that certainly some - if not all - of the public dissatisfaction is because we do understand what they are doing.

We all should be very wary of what this government may do next. They may go on a spending spree filling our homes with flyers, surveys, and broadcast and print media advertising.

So - based on what the Premier said we should expect the following:

1. No change whatsoever in policy.

2. An elimination of participating in talk shows.

3. All members of the PC caucus will be off Twitter and Facebook.

4. Inundation of advertising and promotional material to brainwash us into seeing the light.

5. Re announcing funding initiatives 6 times over instead of 3.

The little (margin of error) bump in the polls is what she needed to satisfy her docile caucus and hang on to her job for another 3 months.

Her advisor (Ross Reid) must of helped to come up with an excuse for their continued failure in the polls. (communication)

The Premier's message to us is; what we've got here is a failure to communicate

No - Warden Dunderdale - I will not get used to wearing the PC Chains of resource giveaways and failed policy - not to mention arrogance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not to mention the terrible insult to the working poor, of 25 cents, next year. This, in spite of a report which said that min wage must go up in 2013, in accordance to the rate that the cost of living has risen, since the last minimun wage increase.