Sue's Blog

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Problem Premier is Muskrat Falls

Our Premier can look to the stars, reflect to eternity, and wonder her heart out - the problem she has is Muskrat.

The loss of support for her leadership and her government is because people do not want the Muskrat deal with Emera. That is further amplified by the secrecy afforded by Bill 29.

1. We do NOT believe we need the power on the Island.
2. Residential customers in certain areas of Labrador are NOT going to be connected.
3. We do NOT trust this government or Nalcor on costs, estimates, and other data.
4. Develop it for industry in Labrador -  we DON'T need of line to Nova Scotia or the Island.
5. Muskrat jobs are construction only - and do NOT generate long term jobs in smelters or refineries.
6. We do NOT want to give Nova Scotia an advantage over us for industrial growth.
7. We do NOT want Emera to have ANY ownership of lines for our use.
8. We do NOT want our children and grandchildren to pay for this fiasco.
9. If we develop hydro we WANT to make money from somebody other than ourselves.
10. We believe it is the WORST possible deal for that resource.

You no longer have the moral authority to govern - and certainly NOT to undertake such a massive expenditure and project.

Stop the Muskrat deal with Emera - or your party will be wiped off the political map in 2015.

You do NOT know what you are doing.

This is the problem - this is why the polls have collapsed and you have lost a by-election. There is no secret formula to bring you out of this political disaster. Ross Reid cannot make this go away. This is the biggest giveaway in our history.

The ten or fifteen corporations that you are serving do not represent enough voters to get you re-elected.


Bwaye said...

You are exactly right.

Cyril Rogers said...

Sue, I personally feel that this project is simply too costly for any reason, including for industry in Labrador.

As well, NALCOR and the government have demonstrated their utter incompetence in developing any sort of major project. In my opinion, NALCOR needs to be relegated to the scrap heap of history as another failed experiment that cost the people of NL untold losses.