Sue's Blog

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Harper and Mansbridge the Christmas Message

Can't Wait

Tuning up the old violin here today as I await the Christmas/New Year fireside chat between overpaid Mansbridge and unwanted Harper.

The two - civil - casual - well coiffed pair will sip some coffee - put on a serious but welcoming face - and quietly discuss all the abhorrent behavior and lies of the Prime Minister.

You'll smell shortbread and turkey from your television as they oh so quietly tip-toe around the ghastly details. Elite to elite they will hypnotize you; Peter with his voice and Stephen with his blue eyes.

As Stephen quietly dismantles any thought that Duffy and Wright are not the only ones involved - Peter will toughen up and say but - but and then let the Prime Minister repeat the speaking notes.

Both men like who they are - no they love themselves - and certainly we must love them too. Peter - after all is the only newsman in the land that Stephen will address - minus the media police. Peter will be "free" to ask the tough already agreed to questions - and the Prime Minister will not refuse to answer with the already prepared responses.

The CBC - having lost hockey will rebound in spades - as they and only they will get the holiday visit.

The Prime Minister has been surrounded by corruption, incompetence, lies, and crooks - and he appointed them all. Peter is the patriarch of our public broadcasting system - slightly less popular than Don Cherry - but filled with grace and finesse.

Yes I'm looking forward to another year where Stephen Harper controls the media - while we the public do not get the direct answers - out of his mouth.

I wonder whose suits they will be wearing - and what colour ties. Think about it - the PM interviewing the PM - matching  monogrammed Towelettes?

So this year - we will once again - get to feast on a turkey and a ham.

Next year who knows - perhaps Rogers will get a 10 year exclusivity contract for chats with the Prime Minister.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Michael Harris can provide some questions to Mansbridge that Harper can answer.

He certainly asks some good ones in his Ipolitics column today.