Sue's Blog

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Question Period - PC's on last political legs

Watch carefully, Question Period in the House of Assembly. There is a real sign that the Tories are on their last political legs.

Question Period is to gain information from government and to call on government to account for its policies and actions.

Members Opposite ask the questions and government provides the answers. We all know that our government is not very good at providing answers and for the most part Question Period is like an adult playground for Government Ministers and Members.

These days - however there is one particular behavior that is ramping up. When an Opposition or Third Party Member asks a question more often than not the Minister responding - says "I want to know what the Liberals or NDP" thinks about this or that - or supports this or that.

This is going to become a "be careful what you wish for" scenario. So the Ministers of the Dunderdale government want to ask questions in the House of Assembly - no problem - just hang on for a couple of years and the few who are left standing will get plenty of time to do just that.

The Dunderdale Ministers and backbench hecklers are begging - no longing - to become Opposition - keep it up and they will get their wish.

Soon enough the few that are left can become a real rat-pack and ask all the questions they like.

The partisan zealotry of this government and vindictiveness toward those who are not absolute Kool-Aid drinkers goes beyond anything most of us have seen before. These people are not fit to govern and are absolute abusers of power.

Will any of them do a polygraph? We are the employers so maybe that's what we should demand.

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