Sue's Blog

Monday, November 25, 2013

"Seal"ing the CETA

and so the utter ignorance and giveaways continue...Just last week the Premier and provincial Fisheries ad Aquaculture Minister, Keith Hutchings were praising the great tentative trade deal between Canada and the European Union. What a fabulous day for our fishery they claimed with a few federal bucks in our pockets - we should be grateful for their superior negotiation skills.

Newfoundland and Labrador was SO happy - sure who needs the feds to come to our province +for hearings and discussions?

and so for "public moral" reasons the EU ban on our seal products was upheld by the World Trade Organization.

Oh and so now it's our morality - we immoral lot here in Newfoundland and Labrador.

So will we watch Kathy Princess Warrior Dunderdale pull support from CETA or will she continue on the road of giveaways and gross compromise?

Let's hear the news Premier - you gonna yell and scream? Are you going to say the predictable " we are appealing"?

The giveaways continue - the unfair treatment of Newfoundland and Labrador continues - the weakness of our Premier in negotiations continues; yet she has no problem beating the financial crap out of longstanding local small businesses.

Please let this madness end before 2015 - please quit Premier Dunderdale - our future can't survive another day of your DEALS.

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