Sue's Blog

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Media and Harper both failing Canadians

Hockey is entertainment for many - a diversion from day to day responsibilities and woes. It is not - however worthy of the coverage it gets by our national media. Big Corporations make big deals daily - but the hockey rights sale is getting the coverage you'd expect from a story like a comet is going to hit earth.

There are many other interests for people who are not hockey fans or even zealots. There are other sports, there are plays, visual art, and writing/reading, music - to name just a few.

The serious stuff - the management of our country - the development and fostering of province to province relationships and country to province relationships deserves as much real journalistic time.

What happens to Don Cherry's commentary is really not that important in the life scheme of things and whether Rogers or CBC owns exclusive broadcast rights to hockey will not change natural resources policy or sovereignty issues.

For months now the Duffy, Wallin, Brazeau affair has been developing. This is a serious issue. There may be criminal repercussions, the destruction of democracy, the dismantling of the Senate. The complete mess seems to revolve around the PMO.

We already know that Prime Minister is not a great judge of character - his appointments speak for themselves - in his office, in his Cabinet, and to the Senate.

Why then - is it impossible for our national media to interview Harper on what's going on? The media have hunted down Mike Duffy and Rob Ford - but do not chase the PM around until he speaks.

Stephen Harper is a liar - he has proven that many times - so as he tries to run from the Senate scandal - he should be tracked down by the media corp and held accountable.

Programs like Power and Politics and Power Play are turning into the rumour mills and guessing game shows as everybody and their mothers are speaking about what Harper knew, thinks, and was involved in. Everybody that is except the man himself.

The national media has been neutered by this Prime Minister - and all without a word of protest. He dictates who can attend a carefully planned and managed news conference - he then dictates who can ask questions and how many they can ask. He no longer attends First Ministers conferences and treats Opposition parties like unelected pests. This PM has done more to erode democracy and interest in it - than any PM before him.

It is time that as much emphasis is placed on getting Harper to answer the media as is wondering what will happen to Cherry and MacLean.

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