Sue's Blog

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A PC Interim Leader on the way

Listening to our Premier today convinced me that Ms. Dunderdale is on her way out. She is now musing about reflecting, reviewing, revisiting, and reacting to the very loud and disapproving voices of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Dunderdale even mused on a leadership review - a sure sign that this by-election was not just another seat. If the Tories had retained the district - the grumbling government members might have bought the Ross Reid happy message a little longer. The loss of Carbonear - Harbour Grace - coupled with crashing polls - spells an end to her leadership.

So the dance begins - which of the upstarts wants to put the political knife in first? No doubt she's feeling a couple of them already.

I guess the permanent back-up finance Minister could do the Interim Premier bit as well. But with the Tories unable to come up with even an interim Finance Minister (other than Marshall - over and over) the talent pool appears shallow for an interim leader.

I think Darin, Terry, and Keith have a plan - the boys kind of see themselves as the male version of Susan, Joan, and Kathy. Just imagine their glee when the girls leave the roost.

Our Premier seemed really confused when interviewed today on the by-election loss - looked to the sky and wondered how they got to this place.

Muskrat, Abitibi, Fishery, Ferries, Roads, Come by Chance, and spending like drunken sailors comes to mind. Then there's the secrecy, arrogance, and dismissal of local small businesses. Yes that's right I almost forgot - 65 of them spread throughout the province - speaking to hundreds of people each - every day. Lastly there is this continued confusion about who our Premier works for - Danny? Nova Scotia? Emera? Ed Martin? or Stephen Harper?

I believe the Premier is going to have a snowy walk moment any day now and either Roving Tom is going to fill-in or the boys aforementioned will start implementing their plan.

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