Sue's Blog

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dunderdale's Zarrow Shuffle

Did you see that? The slight of hand that Premier Dunderdale tried out on her audience yesterday. If she was in Vegas she might have been thrown out of the casino.

Dunderdale claims that her eroding popularity is due to making tough choices and decisions. So whatever she is talking about?

What could they possibly be?

It can't be Muskrat - as her government claims that a majority love the deal. Therefore we are left with health and finance.

Tom Marshall has already been the Minister of Finance and we know where we are with that; deficits, debt, and failing pension plans. Susan Sullivan has been hammering health now for some time and the problems keep getting worse not better - probably the only worse record is that of Vickie Kaminski. So there was no change there - yet these are presumably the areas of "tough" decisions. The two Ministers have shown no success in messaging - if we consider the dead last polling her party is suffering. It also demonstrates a lack of confidence in her caucus - when recycling bad is better than introducing new.

Danny Crummell - well his name is Danny - maybe that will help her.

Steve Kent - I have no faith that - with his lax approach to all facts and details - municipal affairs will improve. In fact he may just drive municipal leaders away through incessant tweets and self-praise on the open line programs.

The worst appointment yesterday - by far - was Kevin O'Brien moving to Advanced Education and Skills - described "the department has a mandate to ensure the province has highly educated graduates and skilled workers for a fast-growing economy. This will be achieved through a spectrum of services, supports and strategies."Mr. O'Brien is hardly a reasonable representative of this mission statement. He needs to work on improving oral language skills (listening and speaking) before taking on such a post. Making matters worse - he is a proven bully and this is the last attribute we need in a Minister responsible for any portion of education.

All in all nothing has changed - two new faces - who will not challenge the Premier. They are flattered, grateful, starstruck and "proud".

This shuffle was not for our benefit - it was for the Premier. It was to ensure that those who remained or joined cabinet would not jump ship and leave her sinking on the rusty barge.


Anonymous said...

We get it Sue. You're partisan politics don't allow you to not criticize. While this government stinks and is sinking we sure as hell can't rely on anything you say as it's from the jaundiced view of the opposition. Which party are you running for in next election? More babble from people who have a political axe to grind.

Sue Kelland-Dyer said...

I have no partisan comment to make. I have critisized all parties and both the Liberals and Tories while in government. I am not running for anybody and have no political axe to grind. You are batting a thousand - maybe you should go into Cabinet.

Harry Tucker said...

I have no respect for anyone who slights another and does it anonymously.

Sue is equally entitled to her opinion as are the people who will fawn over the Premier's announcement (with the hope that their fawning will earn them a plum opportunity before the government changes parties).

I see this cabinet as being very shallow in depth and very narrow in breadth with few if any qualified for the portfolio they have.

It is true that as leaders, we often have to make do with what we are given.

However, the people of Newfoundland and Labrador will be punished in the end, with the incompetent earning tidy salaries / pensions.

There is something wrong with this formula.

Anonymous said...

I second that harry...the previous anonymous sounds a lot like something steve kent would post or paul lane...or that genius Darren king...incompetence all around...