Sue's Blog

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Will OUR MP's protect OUR interests?

Right now all eyes should be focused on our MP's in Ottawa. This is a most important period in federal politics as Prime Minister Harper is on a fly and lie mission.

Yes we need to know about the Senate scandal, corruption, incompetence, and possible illegal activities. We need Harper to be grilled on his judgement in character, his continued lies, and the real deal relative to election fraud and his continued "management" of the media.

So Harper hops on a plane and takes off to do a free trade deal with the European Union (CETA) on the first day of the House of Commons. Yes it's another avoidance of accountability and transparency by our PM - but it may be much worse than that.

The CETA framework - en route to becoming a trade deal - may contain one of the worst concessions ever made by a country. Big Pharma or Brand drug companies have lobbied very hard to extend patent rights in Canada and if they have succeeded the cost to Canadians is unbelievable. If the PM has allowed a three year extension on patents - the number of generic drugs scheduled to make their entrance into our pharmaceutical sector will be significantly delayed.

The provinces who have spent the last three years destroying the generic marketplace and seriously harming our local pharmacies to "save" dollars will have all those "savings" eliminated and still be losing more.

I know it is important that our Opposition MP's probe the Senate fiasco and seek accountability - but it must not be used to avoid discussion of this trade deal. The pharmaceutical piece of this agreement is one negative component but there are others including potential issues for fishermen and farmers.

We must NOT let our MP's be silent - they must be more aggressive on CETA than they plan to be on the Senate mess. If not - they are doing all of us a great disservice and more they will contribute to the gouging of Canadians on prescription drugs.

The fact that Harper is attempting to control media yet again and is running away from the Senate scandal and our parliament in par for the course. He is a liar, cheat, and does not believe in accountability.

Right now our MP's need to earn their salaries and benefits by doing the job we elected them to do. 

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