Sue's Blog

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Davis - One good choice in Cabinet shuffle

I am very pleased at the appointment of Paul Davis as Minister of Child Youth and Family Services. There is so much wrong with this Cabinet make-up that having one bright light is a relief.

Understanding the challenges posed for many in our society, the vulnerability of children, the problems in a family with violence, alcohol and drug abuse, and problems related to young offenders; is half the battle. Davis has the background and experience to tackle these issues competently and compassionately. He can make a difference.

No doubt the complete erosion of support for the government is going to impede all caucus members in performing their duties - however I believe despite this Davis can accept his appointment as a serious one and do the job that needs to be done. His sense of public service was developed long before politics and therefore this type of portfolio puts him right in the real mix of it.

If Davis can do what needs to be done here - he may very well be a real contender to replace Dunderdale. He would be seen in much better a light than most of his colleagues.

I hope Davis stays true to himself - puts his nose to the grindstone - and accomplishes to his full potential. Good Luck Minister Davis. 

The next post will be much longer as it deals with all the Cabinet failures.

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