Sue's Blog

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tobin via Williams via MacDonald via Bennett

Any chance Dean MacDonald - the current cheerleader for PC appointee Cathy Bennett - in bid for Liberal leadership - can explain to us the difference in the proposed deal by Roger Grimes for the development of the Lower Churchill and the current fiasco on Muskrat Falls?

Liberal/Tory/Liberal/Tory - they do not possess political ideology that's coherent.

Tobin via Williams via MacDonald via C Bennett - keep control is what it's all about.

So Tobin as Premier who cut a government deal with Williams on Cable Atlantic contract and Williams as Premier who cut a deal with MacDonald on Persona government investment - and are where as it relates to C Bennett?

Force the subject media - let us examine the Grimes proposed deal and this Emera/Nalcor deal. Give the people the details - compare costs, revenues, consumer prices, jobs, recall, and ownership. Dean had a hissy fit as Chair of Hydro under Grimes and stomped off claiming the proposed deal was so bad. Yet his buddy and business chap Williams managed to get him to really like the Emera deal - and now - well he's a Liberal again supporting the PC appointed Chair of Nalcor while they were cutting the PC deal.

This is what they expect Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to accept. This is how stupid they think we are?

Time to compare.

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