Sue's Blog

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Dean MacDonald come Clean

Dean MacDonald has placed himself right in the middle of the Liberal Leadership Campaign and therefore in the middle of debate and discussion.

So who are you Dean MacDonald? What is your claim to fame that makes you somebody to be listened to regarding this leadership contest?

1. You support the Muskrat Falls deal.

What we need from you on this is for you to compare the deal you were doing on the Lower Churchill when Brian Tobin was in power, the proposed development you rejected under the Roger Grimes administration and the deal in front of us under the Danny Willams administration.

You are in a perfect and unique position to be able to compare all three. You can tell us what makes this Muskrat deal superior to the other two you worked on.

You can tell us what happened to the Brian Tobin deal and what you gave up for a development that did not even happen.

2. You support Cathy Bennett - who supports the Muskrat Falls deal.

Did you at any time sit with Cathy Bennett on the Nalcor or various hydro boards?

The Muskrat Falls deal was cut under Danny Williams. Did you support Danny when he was Premier? Did you support him when his government cut a cheque for your company Persona? As a supporter of Danny Williams as a PC - do you acknowledge that he turned the Premiership over to Kathy Dunderdale? What has Kathy done differently than Danny Williams that has caused you to go Liberal? What can Cathy Bennett do with a Muskrat Falls deal that she was part of, supported, and was the poster face for - all under the PC government?

Did you at any time express to anyone that Cathy Bennett was not a Liberal and you could not support her?

Have you spoken to Danny Williams about the Bennett campaign? Has Cathy Bennett spoken to Danny Williams either before announcing or bid or after?

If one is to take you seriously and follow your "lead" to the Cathy Bennett camp - you need to prove your worth following anywhere.

Last time I looked you were on Twitter telling Con O'Brien to open his mind. That's a joke right?

Is this yet another Solid Gold idea?

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