Sue's Blog

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Festival of Spite? O'Brien reflects typical PC Tribalism

It's not a joke anymore. It's time that people in this province put an end to the spiteful, tribalistic, immoral and intimidating behavior demonstrated by many PC Cabinet Ministers and the Premier.

The latest - in a CBC story- an allegation that Minister Kevin O'Brien got a young Chamber of Commerce scholarship winner uninvited as a server for a community breakfast. Why? because he's not a Tory?

How many town councillors and mayors have been politically threatened by this PC government? We have all heard the stories - community leaders are frightened to death to speak out against ANY government action - lest funding for critical infrastructure may not come.

This government has asked organizations to remove their senior staff - if the organization wants to have any "hope" with government.

How many businesses were threatened with repercussion of some sort if they put a Liberal or NDP sign on their building - or supported a local candidate who was not PC?

This started with Danny in 2003 and has carried on with a gusto since Kathy took over. Intimidation of bloggers, open-line callers, and people with government jobs.

I don't know how many Cable Atlantic/Rogers former employees are now within the government rank and file - but somebody should really have a look.

This government behaves like a two bit mafia - enforcers and all. Why? Because they lack a leader, they lack integrity, and they lack confidence.

Instead of being a "cool hip" province - we are serfs forced to support our 5 or 6 lord's estate. Backward, backward, backward. 

Don't see us going from one Kathy to another Cathy - do you?

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