Sue's Blog

Friday, September 13, 2013

Cathy -They Don't Appoint Liberals

Cathy Bennett has two significant messages for us.

1. I am a Liberal - Always been a Liberal - Will always be a Liberal.

2. I am the leader who can bring the Liberal Party together.

Let's examine these:

Williams and Dunderdale do not appoint Liberals.

In fact many of the Liberal and NDP complaints revolve around the extreme partisanship of this government.

Our agencies and Crown Corporations are run and managed by well known Tories such as Len Simms and Glenn Tobin.

The halls of Confederation building are traversed by many lifelong Tories and their families.

So partisan is this government that serving a community breakfast - if you are not a Tory - is a no no.

So how then can we possibly believe that this Tory partisan government appointed to the top position of Nalcor - a lifelong Liberal? How can we reasonably believe that the top priority - massive spending - key Muskrat deal would be under the hand of a lifelong Liberal?

For me this is not possible. I must go with the balance of probabilities - that is Cathy Bennett did in fact through contribution and action demonstrate that she was a loyal PC.

As for the second claim of bringing the Liberals together - I can only say that with her unmovable stance on Muskrat Falls and her longstanding Tory connections - that she would have the most difficult time in bringing Liberals together. One only needs to watch and listen to Liberals after they have observed her in a debate to know that electing her leader would be more divisive than the Efford Grimes fight.

To accept this candidacy as anything more than special interests protecting special projects is too much of a stretch for me. I guess it's up to the other candidates to expose this for what it is. Kissy Kissy Lovey Lovey - we are all Liberals chant - will not cut it for this circumstance.

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