Sue's Blog

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas

So this is Christmas - what have we done?

Let me start by wishing you all a very beautiful holiday filled with family time and love.

I look forward to the New Year and hoping we can all do the best we can to make this place the best that it can be.

The future in the eyes of the children must be carefully nurtured with only them in mind.

We must continue to do better for the seniors of Newfoundland and Labrador who invested their lives before us.

May the greed and lust for power be muted by a sense of public duty and honour.

May your neighbour be well this year and may you ensure the well being of another person.

These are but a few wishes made much more real by action we can and should take.

Thank you to all those who are working over Christmas ensuring essential public services are met.

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