Sue's Blog

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Manning - face and eyes into new job...

The unelected Minister - Judy Manning - is face and eyes into her new portfolio. See!

Out on the campaign trail drumming up votes for somebody else as she sits on her unelected throne.

Churning up the activity - on family violence court, WHSCC reviews, and generally preparing new legislation.

Seen here leafing through the voluminous material and briefing notes with her Cabinet colleague?

Pounding the pavement for justice and getting up to speed on her appointed Ministry?

Posing again above with Departmental literature? Enjoying a stroll while explaining to the good people of CBS why they should elect a PC MHA.

Why they must ask? Why not appoint somebody from the district right on into Cabinet and then hold a by-election. Hardly seems fair that Placentia - St. Mary's has 2 representatives. One donated by the Premier - the other elected but not in the mood to sit in Cabinet.

I suppose this could be be on-the-job political training.

Maybe Ms. Manning should have done as her uncle Fabs did. Run - don't get elected and get reappointed. Win - Win

The people of CBS must be at least a little annoyed that this person is being shoved in their faces in the middle of a democratic process.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's downright nasty....But I like it.