Sue's Blog

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Open and Accountable Tory Times

We should have a new online paper called the "Tory Times".

Everyday the examples of secrecy, incompetence, and avoidance of elections should be headlined.

Today we should deal with falling oil prices. I predict the election will come before the budget - if the prices stay down. What will the PC's do with the financial mess we are in?

The Humber Valley Paving Contract remains a mystery as the "open and accountable" Davis government will not call a much needed inquiry into the mess. Labrador paving deadlines continue to fall to the wayside while the Minister believes everything is wonderful.

Minister Manning - continues to run away from the opportunity to be elected by the people - while John Crosbie continues to try and "con"vince us this is okay. Amazing the levels of entitlement some people feel and believe.

The Muskrat Falls fiasco hums along - while the failing CEO continues to collect a cheque - a very big cheque.

Whatever is going on at Ocean Pond?

How many lawsuits are we currently involved in and with whom?

Paul Davis says he IS listening to the people so he changed the changed name of the former Department of Justice. He apparently is NOT listening to the people who want an election.

Where is the contribution list for the Premier's leadership campaign?

What is going on with the roving transformer?

Let's keep an eye on the Tory Times which has an "unelected" "mandateless" Premier guiding an unelected Minister of some department - supposed to be similar to Justice - who is determined to run only when her hometown is available. That is to say Davis has a preferential candidate - who he is introducing as a Minister - prior to her election - in some pathetic effort to tell the people of Placentia - St. Mary's what to do.

Call an election Premier Davis and see if you can get a mandate of your own.

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