Sue's Blog

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Muskrat - Premier swimming Forwards and Backwards

We will not have a special debate on Muskrat Falls.

We will have a special debate on Muskrat Falls.

We have done our due diligence on all alternatives.

We will now do due diligence on all alternatives.

Forward - Backward - Forward - Backward

Debate all you want Premier Dunderdale - start at the beginning.

Prove to us that we need more power on the Island.

Tell us why Labrador communities will not be electrified.

This is the first step. Sanction? I don't think so.

Ask Nalcor how many times Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro predicted the need for power on the Island. Tell us how many times it was wrong.

It appears there are members of the Dunderdale government who are not willing to support this project.

This is most always the reason for reversing government's stated steadfast direction.

About time - these MHA's should have demanded this a long time ago. Let's say a few hundred million dollars ago. However - I do commend them for showing guts toward a Leader who does not know what she is doing regarding Muskrat.

Stop this deal! Take a plunge and properly represent the people who elected you.

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