Sue's Blog

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dunderdale a Bully and a Bluff

There are two things I can be certain of with Premier Dunderdale; first she will bully her own people and local business and she will cower to Ottawa and national/multinational corporations.

Today in the House of Assembly and on some "we dont' debate on Twitter" tweets our Premier attacked the official opposition and the nation's third party for failure to stop the closure of the marine rescue sub-centre. Meanwhile she - as the leader of the Government and her federal choice for Parliament are actually failing to prevent this closure.

Dunderdale looked weaker today than she ever has, huffing and puffing her misdirected steam at Opposition MHA's while the girth of the bobbing heads on her backbench grew.

Dunderdale is afraid of Harper and afraid of big corporations - on the counter side our Premier has no problem roughing up locals like fishermen, local businesses or municipalities.

As a big fish in the little sea - she is all powerful - aggressive - punitive - and threatening.

As a little fish in the big sea of Canada - she is gutless - timid - weak - and afraid.

Premier Dunderdale will take on local bloggers with a gusto - she will demean Newfoundlanders and Labradorians who dare to challenge the Muskrat Falls fiasco - including former political leaders, energy experts, lawyers, environmentalists, and academics. On the other hand she bows down to the knowledge of Premiers, business leaders, and experts from other provinces and pretty much kisses the feet of Stephen Harper. The Prime Minister who has mistreated this province and lied to its people and leaders - gets more respect and decency from Dunderdale than she shows her own constituents - Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.

You Ma'am are a disgrace. You Kathy Dunderdale are a bully and a bluff!

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