Minister Darin King appeared on the Fisheries Broadcast yesterday to explain why the government was freezing money to the FFAW for special projects.
During that interview - Minister King made a remarkable comment. We should all read it carefully.
"The Union is questioning the validity of the support that we're putting into the industry and based upon their advice I've asked my officials to stop funding anything the Union or any other groups are doing until I look at it personally. If they feel that the money we're putting into this industry is not going into the right places then I have an obligation as a Minister of the Crown to stop what we're doing and see if there's better ways to spend this money."
Based on the above statement by Minister King - I will suggest that there are Newfoundlanders and Labradorians who have been criticizing the Emera deal on Muskrat Falls and have asked the Premier and Ministers to stop funding this deal and to stop supporting it until we review all options on the 6 billion dollar expenditure and see if there's better ways to spend the money.
Considering Darin King was so concerned over the expenditure of a million dollars to the FFAW - he must be killing himself with worry over 6 billion dollars. Certainly he must have heard our voices.
So Darin - please advise your officials that we need to put the brakes on this deal.
The Minister makes a host of interesting comments and is certainly not consistent with his approach to Ministerial Obligations. Press HERE to hear complete interview.
1 comment:
Minister Darrin King's statement on behalf of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador gives the electorate of Newfoundland and Labrador, not only the reason but the right to have every aspect of the Muskrat Falls Project fully investigated regarding the inherent risks.
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