Sue's Blog

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Burton's Voice - This time it Will be Heard!

For many years Newfoundland and Labrador appeared to have lost its voice.

For many years the unification of Newfoundland and Labrador people seemed difficult to achieve.

Burton Winter's is unifying the voice of our people.

This young man fought hard to survive - he walked 19 km's on the ice in an effort to get home.

Make no mistake - this time the peoples' will - shall be heard.

To the MP's of Canada: In two days over 15,000 Newfoundlanders and Labradorians joined this facebook site (press here) - in order to send you a message. Many more thousands will follow from communities throughout our province and from our people all over Canada and the world.

Burton's voice was not heard the first time - it will be heard this time.

You are servants of the people - a position you sought to hold. Now you must do what is just and right.

Newfoundlanders and Labradorians plan to walk the rest of the way for Burton and we are doing so unified, proud, and strong. We will protect our children and people.

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