Sue's Blog

Friday, August 26, 2011

To Nova Scotia with Love - a letter from Premier Kathy Dunderdale

When assessing the Muskrat Falls deal and the economics of the project it is important that we not forget other less discussed components. This is particularly true when tallying costs.

Please consider the following costs:

1. Loss of the rescue sub-centre.
2. Loss of federal government jobs in other service areas.
3. Loss of positioning regarding the fishery.
4. Loss of fight for equalization changes.
5. Loss of positioning regarding the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement with the EU.
6. Loss of positioning regarding the Marine Atlantic fiasco.
7. Loss of any leverage with the Federal Government in all other sectors. 

Notwithstanding the above we have lost the BBB to Nova Scotia, we are about to lose our energy advantage to Nova Scotia, we continue to lose tourism to Nova Scotia, then there is the shipbuilding contracts, even the Newfoundland Capital Corporation the mother company of VOCM is in Nova Scotia.

Please stop the erosion of our province. Please fight to save Newfoundland and Labrador.

Stop the Emera deal! PRESS HERE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And our politicians choose to do nothing about it. It is time we converted our Government to a Corporation and hired some fine Accountants and Lawyers to govern our affairs.

What is the sense of electing politicians in this province when they all become turn coats and toe the line for Ottawa and not speak up against the atrocities that are committed against us when we are not treated fairly. Obviously their is some payment in doing so for our politicians. We need an Inquiry into why our politicians behave in this manner. Corruption has to be totally rooted out of the political systems.