Sue's Blog

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The message is key in Communications - this Ms. Matthews knows!

The debacle - which is the CNLOPB provincial nomination process came to a conclusion this week as Ms. Elizabeth Matthews withdrew her name for consideration of the position - Vice Chair.

Ms. Matthews arguably does possess significant experience in the profession of communications. It could also be said that her track record with Premier Williams was successful. In fact I would say she did a fine job in controlling messaging and a finer job controlling media. This is evident by the lack of probing which should have been done respecting many of the projects the Williams administration embarked upon.

Part of her success was in large part due to the nature of her boss and the fact he had no problem being the intimidatory presence to critics of the government or to journalists wanting accountability and accessibility to information. So when she responded to a reporter - in any sort of negative way - denying access to information or interviews - she had a boss who had her back. His popularity - unfortunately crossed over into partisan zealotry causing opposition voices to be silenced - who,what,when,where,why voices to find new material for | news | - and Newfoundlanders and Labradorians who were not satisfied with the decisions of his government to be tried and convicted as traitors.

Unfortunately for Ms. Matthews - the nodding heads that clung so fervently to the coattails of Williams as if guided by his every breath - were now left without him. That is to say he was not the public voice of government anymore.

Ms. Matthews would have predicted as a professional in her field - that this nomination would have been met with questions of patronage simply by the position she held within the Premier's office. Naturally that would have lead to questions of qualifications because of the role of the CNLOPB. It also came at a time of sorrowful memory regarding the loss of life of the Cougar flight 91 and the release of the report of findings on the tragedy.

Problem is, Steve Marshall, Shawn Skinner, and Jerome Kennedy are likely not who Matthews herself would have chosen to deliver a message as to why she was the best candidate for the job.

Marshall's law firm just received the potentially very lucrative Tobacco Suit contract - under questionable process. Shawn Skinner - the Minister responsible for Natural Resources should have remained neutral to protect the department's mandate and Jerome Kennedy the partisan of partisans saying the complaints of Matthews nomination were partisan driven.

I am not partisan - and I did not agree with the process used by government for this nomination, the fibre-optic debacle, the Emera mess, or the choosing of a law firm to sue tobacco companies. Further it would behoove Minister Kennedy, the current Premier Dunderdale, or the past Premier Williams to admit that they used great partisanship for government appointments and to negate competencies of other professionals who they did not consider faithful to the party.

The most punishing administration next to Joey Smallwood's fist of control on power has been the Williams administration and to act haughty and surprised by partisan behavior of others is laughable. To suggest that others not they have a hold on partisanship is like Muammar saying all my people love me - there is no protest.

Unfortunately - in order for Matthews appointment to stick - she herself would have had to deliver the key messages. One question though for Skinner and Kennedy - if Matthews was that important to the operations of government - particularly key areas of negotiations - why is she not working for the government? Did she say no? Was she offered anything? In that message the communication might be worse again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know what the big deal is/was in criticism of this appointment coming from partisans? I mean that in general, Sue, and I guess I'd pose that to them. As you clearly outlined in your piece here, they operated in the most partisan of ways since assuming office, rewarding party faithful and personal friends and even family in one case, with cushy jobs.

So they all have some nerve being haughty about this, as you said, and self-righteously indignant now that the tables turned here in this case. There is only so much patronage and skullduggery the people will stand for.

I am pleased she did the right thing, whatever he (true) reason(s), and withdrew.