Sue's Blog

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What a fun year we will have leading to the election - truth - truth - and more truth - and then some more again

Below you will find an interesting comment to Sue's Blog and then you see my Response! Who is who - and what is what? The expose starts today. I would like to thank the reader for starting off the conversation. 

Sue, the how to do so presents a conundrum, since I know you were quite vociferous on the Open Line shows over the years on the corruption that was being perpetrated on our electorate, but those who wanted to shut you up, won the day. I find even the News Media outlets were complicit in perpetrating the devious act of having you shut down. They would bring you on for the entertainment factor and then they would set out to denigrate you.

As far as I am concerned all the Media, Newsprint - both commercial and free-print, Radio and T.V. seem to be reliant on both levels of government for advertising monies, or whatever it is they get from them that helps keep them going. And in order to get those advertising dollars they, no doubt, have to keep people like you, who hold so much information, silenced so as to keep the rest of us ignorant.

I can only suggest that you run as an Independent in the political arena. I am sure not one of the 3 political parties would want you to represent them, as they are all tarred with the one brush and none of them want the electorate of Newfoundland and Labrador to know the truth of why their province has languished for the past 61 years with very little economy established, despite being part of supposedly the best country in the world and being endowed with a coveted supply of natural resources and a great geographic location. You are too smart a lady for any of them and that's a liability for any of the political parties.

Sue, really running as an Independent is the only suggestion I can give you unless you can get someone to Fund one of these free newsprints that I see hanging around in the coffee shops, but I doubt that you will have someone come on side with the funds needed to do so because your rason d'etre is to inform your fellow Newfoundlanders and Labradorians of what has been perpetrated on them in the past by our political system; and to have done in our province, in the future, what is right and honest for its people. That is not what both levels of government want, they want our people (Newfoundlanders and Labradorians) to remain ignorant, it is much easier to tow away our resources when gravity isn't present. Unless you can get a philanthropist to come forward with no agenda of his/her own on what truth you will print in the newsprint that he/she will fund, you might be out of luck in getting the very informative stuff you have in your memory files on what has transpired in our province out there to the general public. Good Luck to you my dear, the factual stuff needs to be presented so that everyone can hear and read it for themselves.

I am sick of being looked down upon by my fellow Canadians, who have no idea what we have contributed to their country and their provinces at the expense of my fellow Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.

The politicians who have aided and abetted in the deviant acts are not looked down upon, they are wealthy and they don't give a hoot. They can afford all the necessities in life, including expensive Medicare if they need it. They all suffer from the "Me Syndrome".

Response from me...

Most of your commentary is accurate. I am shut-up or shut-down is inaccurate. As I have been doing this sort of thing for over 20 years - the "establishment" - has tried everything - stopping short of having me "disappear". None of that has worked. Don't get me wrong - it is not that they have not affected me - they have - made my life very difficult and still do. But as you are witnessing now – I never really go away.

At some point this year I will be outlining specific cases of interference in both my personal and professional life. No doubt many people will find the information disturbing - but enlightening.

I suspect as I blog about particular examples - the blogosphere will light up just to see who is who.
The reason I stopped blogging just before the election in 2007 was that people had made their minds up with respect to Danny and the people were certainly entitled to elect Danny and live with his actions.
Notwithstanding that I needed a break - despite the ridiculing media - which I don't mind (easier to pick on me than a powerful politician) - people generally agree with the promotion of good policy for the province. The media and others are responsible for establishing a "saviour" mentality which drives the propaganda through the roof.

All three parties have players and they are driven - tories - liberals by the same establishment. They look at the political wind and just place their person in to lead their charge.

Right now that is being driven by the dollars to be made on the Lower Churchill. There are billions of dollars at stake and they will buy or coerce any way they can to protect their windfalls.

For some people it’s a matter of somebody like a Danny Williams giving them a nod or takes a picture of them together and so on. For others it is a perk or job that keeps them on side - then others it's an acknowledgement of some sort to a Board or an award.

Then there is the money machine (establishment) same for both parties who we never see or hear from - they are just the boys or girls that collect the cash from the deals.

Some of our politicians know exactly what's up - others just sit there and make a pension - or be quiet because they might get a Cabinet post - or just don't have the guts to speak.

Danny necessarily surrounded himself with people who were and are weak. It suits his dictatorial leadership style. It also allows him to batter individuals or media persons. There are not too many people who will stand up to that. They are more likely to just back-off and make their lives easier.

The media is so quiet on the Lower Churchill deal that it is disconcerting. I assume that is what happened during the Joey days of the Upper Churchill. Even Rowe and Crosbie did nothing to stop that - although there is no shortage of opinion on that deal now.

I have posted Danny's own words on resource developments particularly the Lower Churchill and not one media outlet is taking him or the rest of them to task on it.

You look at the psychology of our current Premier Kathy Dunderdale - who one day is out encouraging and congratulating women and in the same time-frame is bashing this woman for having an opinion.What would make one woman do this to another woman? I am articulating problems I have with a deal on the Churchill - that will harm the future potential of our province. She takes smacks at me professionally - albeit not to my face and without merit. It is strange sometimes to watch a woman who is elevated by a man - in part for smacking another woman for having an opinion and a point of view.

There are MHA's in there that could make a difference - but they just do not have the courage to speak. I experienced that during the attempt to privatize Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro. They knew it was wrong - but the thought of taking on Wells or their party was too daunting.
In that instance the people won the day - but if this deal goes through on the lower churchill - it will all have been for nought.
Just think about Kathy taking smacks at me for my opinions on the lower churchill when she is unable to debate the project with me - she is unable to debate the history of the resource with me - and she is working with Nalcor as a crown corp - that I along with others prevented from being privatized. That's a joke. She must understand that the people were right in that fight - as she is using the saved asset to do a new deal - yet she thinks we all don't know what we are talking about now? She and her colleagues - if the deal goes through will become responsible for the next greatest giveaway in our history. Will it bother her? Who knows?

Do they ever stop and think - what possible reason could Sue Kelland-Dyer be doing this for? Can they come up with a reason? No - other than she loves her province. The Libs can't point to me being Tory or the Pc's point to me being Liberal - as I take policy smacks at them both. I certainly do not do it for my own financial benefit - none exists. In fact it harms that in every way you can think.

I realize now that the only way I can protect people and this province from this type of politics and deal making is to tell them all the things that have happened. Right from the days of Ed Roberts becoming an unelected Minister to taking over a Labrador seat - to now.

I believe that it might be therapeutic to people - just reading why I am cynical about governments. It might be the only thing that shakes people enough - to understand they have to wrestle their government and politics back from the establishment. It might very well interest people enough to read - the entire goings on - a real tell all scenario - not the type found in a Bill Rowe book.

The blog is going to do a department by department breakdown and the monies wasted and the monies that are leaving the province through multinationals instead of staying in province to support reinvestment in essential services. My time is silence has not been wasted.

Then we need to go through the lobbying activities. These are very interesting. It is time people knew who is who and what is what.

Everybody who writes me like you - remains anonymous - I am assuming therefore that you are concerned about what might happen to you?Maybe it's time we all took the plunge so that a few people willing to put their names out are not slaughtered for speaking up in a democracy.

I trust that people will be interested enough to spread the word via social media – and there is an option to go to the traditional media when it becomes necessary. 

How much longer before the election? There is no retreat in the world that changes what can happen to politics in just a day. 


Anonymous said...

Keep blogging, Sue, and using social media to get your views out there. In this day and age, it is the way to go and it certainly captures attention.

Dr. Krista Li said...

If only there were more like you, Sue. Sadly, the `sheeple`of Newfoundland and Labrador have been so bedazzled with Danny`s oil money that they have a hard time seeing the very truth before their eyes. I await your relvelations, truly!

Unknown said...

Some questions that need to be asked of our politicians .

(1) Do we have a government that is obsessed with winning at all costs?

(2) Are they investing taxpayer’s and or private monies to insure that they maintain control ?

(3) Is there a common goal , to maximize profits , regardless of the impact on social and environmental costs ?

(4) In seeking this goal , are they perpetuating an unstable , unjust and unsustainable lifestyle for Newfoundlanders and Labradorians ?

(5) Is each and everyone of these democratically elected (by you and me)men and women , prepared to stand by while a handful of their colleagues jeopardizes the futures of generations of NL s ?

(6) 2011 is an election year , are these politicians prepared to maintain the status quo , a do nothing attitude , keep your head in the sand posture , to avoid making any mistakes , that will cost THEM an election ?

It is the average NL., who will pay in the end , and pay dearly .

Unknown said...

With all due respect ladies , you too can do exactly what Sue is and has been doing .

That may well be a BIG part of our problem , we are willing to let someone else do it for us .

On a smaller scale , I have been trying to emulate Sue's brave stand .

Sue is not your normal heroic woman , she is setting the standard for NL. women , young women and generations to come .

As women , we need to come to Sue's rescue whenever it is called for . When the media bashes her , we stand up for her , when she is being lambasted on openline shows we must fight back . It is up to us to make sure that Sue is heard and heard loudly .

Anonymous said...

"As women , we need to come to Sue's rescue whenever it is called for . When the media bashes her , we stand up for her , when she is being lambasted on openline shows we must fight back ."

Indeed! What about when your hero at Bogpapers mercilessly skewers her. Ed Hominen has said terrible things about 'our' Sue, forever. He is a Dratsab.

Sue R U L E S !!!!


Unknown said...

You are so right Sarah , I am new to that blog ,my only excuse is that I have not read anything Ed has said about Sue ,but I promise you that I will call him on anything that he has to say in future . He is only one example , I have written to newspapers and called openline to defend Sue . Can you day the same Sarah ?

Anonymous said...

Really Ursula? I gave you credit as being a reader of some renown;0)

Here is just a sample of Ed Hominem ad hominem.

You must remember who Ed worked for during the Hydro privatization efforts of some years ago.

Sue and Greg Malone shamed he and his boss terribly. Ed doesn't ever forget such things.

A quick search of Bogpapers with tags other than hydroqueen will show you his disdain.

I don't call OpenLine but I have been known to champion Sue.

