Sue's Blog

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Apathy will destroy us

There are clearly red flags showing on the Muskrat Falls deal. This is a very bad deal that is generous for Emera and its shareholders and a disaster for Newfoundland and Labrador.

This time there is no excuse - not like the reasons we were given after the Upper Churchill fiasco. This is our future. If this proceeds it will be the Upper Churchill of our children and grandchildren.

At 49 I have heard it all on the Upper Churchill - such as "how could we have known" - well this time we can know.

It is our responsibility to understand every component of this deal and all the possible pitfalls.

We must not be deterred from asking questions - besides I will likely get the worst of that.

People who want to make a lot of money - regardless of the cost to our people and their future - will stop at very little to silence critics.

Let's face it - it has been very silent for many years now. Any individual who asked a question was absolutely punished. The more important and relevant the questions the more that person was demonized both publicly and privately.

This deal must be stopped. The questions need to be asked by us all - including the media.

What happened to complete disclosure and debate - and the concept that an unelected Premier should not be able to do a large resource deal.

What about our own industrial future? How do we attract industry. We were supposed to be out of domestic power by the 1980's - the only reason we are not is that we continue to lose industry - forestry fishery.

It is essential that we think critically now before it is too late.


Norman Andrews said...

I'm with you Sue!

eastportorganic said...

I have the same questions.

I have not heard one voice in the house ask anything related to what we are talking about.

Why not? Surely they are legitimate concerns.

Sue Kelland-Dyer said...

I am wondering if anybody in the house knows enough about it to ask. Sheep! Unfortunately that has been our demise in the past.